My friends Tabby, Kyle and I went to a party at somebody's house that we knew from skool. This was actually the first time I had met this person (lol) and he let us in. The house was huge and crowded with people and we made our way to the party room, which was actually the guy's room (I think his name was Sean, lol). In his room, there was bunk beds and a futon and a huge stereo system and everyone was sitting around drinking. I had a few shots, and they kept offering more stuff so I'd drink it. After a little while I was completely gone (it doesn't take much alcohol to get me drunk. I'm very small). Well, my friend Kyle was my protector that night. He didn't drink and he told me he would keep me out of harm's way. LOL! Apparently I'm very brave when I'm under the influence and I kept walking (more like staggering) over to this one guy and I kept telling him he was cute and giving him little kisses. Like, "Awww you're so cute! Mwah!" LOL! I would never do that! Kyle kept telling me that I would get up and say, "I have to go to the bathroom and I can't go by myself." Well obviously a whole bunch of guys would get up and say they were trying to help and my friend Kyle would come up and tell me I could go by myself or take my gay friend Robert with me, and those were my only options. LOL well everytime I took Robert with me, the other guys would stand outside the door going, "Awwwww man!" It was time to leave and Kyle said I was trying not to sound drunk and when I would talk I would talk really slow to pronounce my words but they would come out slurred anyway. LOL! Well Kyle decided that all of us would stay at his house since he didn't want anyone getting in trouble with their parents. On the way home I kept telling Kyle that I wanted to see him and this guy Justin make out (No! Neither of them are gay!) and he would just laugh at me. The next Monday at skool this certain guy would wave at me everytime we walked passed each other and I finally figured out that it was the guy I kept giving little kisses to. LOL!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .