it wasnt the best time for this to happen since i had just got done watching Scream 3 and i was already kinda shooken up. I was even to chicken to go downstairs because i had to use the restroom. Well later on, i finally did. So i was laying in my bed, watching tv, trying to fall asleep when i heard these bump noises. That wasnt unusual since you'd be able to hear if someone had opened or closed a closet in my house. My parents have a tendency to open and close their closet in the middle of the night for some reason.
but the bumps lasted a long time and they sounded like someone running. so i got up and went into my sisters room. She, as usual, was sleeping and i couldnt believe how much of a deep sleeper she is not to hear all that bumping. so i asked her, "did you hear them sounds?" she looked at me and asked, "what sounds?" i looked downstairs a little and i thought i heard someone scream. so i turned to my sister, "someones in the house," i whispered. so i grabbed her hand and we both snuck downstairs. i was thinking, "ok, i why didnt i bring a baseball bat with me or something?" so we went downstairs and i could hear people talking.
BUT it turns out it was my drunk aunts and uncles deciding to pay us a special visit at 3:00 in the morning. They were singing and dancing and stuff it was kinda funny. so they all sat in the living room and talked to me while my sister went upstairs. i think she was kinda scared of them haha. but me, i was almost like them cuz i was laughing and talking along with them while getting hyper off of a pop :D mom and dad kinda joined them but they werent being like me and all of them, you know all hyper and stuff. they were both kinda mad but they werent the type to show it when it comes to being mad at adults
this wasnt the only time they had done this LOL sorry if you thought this would be haunted :). P.S. no one was harmed at the action of this incident LOL
*!%*~>lonely gurl<~*%!* How it changed my life:it freaked me out, i couldnt go to sleep until about 5:00 in the morning. but at least i got my book done for school by reading it to calm me down :D You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 48585 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .