Standing rend pleasant in His black hooded robe, Deak stood calmly atop His Tower-Cliff. Watching the battle rage on below with cold eyes, they were as ants warring ants to him. So small and pointless. The creatures of this galaxy were interesting indeed. They fought constantly, which gave him much work to do, and kept him occupied.
He thought of the names given to him by the differing races. Deak, Death, Judgor, Illika, Teraque. Of these he preferred Death & Deak.
Deak was his real name. The other Gods referred to him as such. Just as he referred to them by theirs. Deak released a slight sigh, and stepped calmly off the edge of the cliff, and slowly floated down the thousands of feet to the surface. In reality he was transferred from a location far more distant and removed, but that was the action performed, imposed by the combined belief of Life. He walked amongst the warring people once his feet touched ground, weapons clashing against shield and armor. The clang and crack of battle resounded through his ears. He despised this. He was the most feared of the Gods. He could not understand that. He was not evil. Gods aren't evil. They just Are. He had a job to do, and that was releasing the souls of the dead to R-Station for rebirth or sending them to their desired end.
He shook his head as he thought of the last. He understood whether or not a soul chose to re-incarnate. The Soul had the choice whether or not to leave The Wheel. But the choices some of the souls made were unbelievable to him at times. Especially the decision of those Souls from Earth. Deak had discussed this choice with Reffilim on many an occasion. Reffilim would often say he did not understand either. He didn't understand why, when they had the choice of it, to spend it in eternal suffering. The Universal had created him for a different purpose, but he had been required to take the role of Earths Satan.
The only problem with the Universals Law, was that as created as believed, meant the reality of Earth's Hell came to exist. And so did Evil become a reality, something more powerful, more potent than any normal natural force. Both Deak and Reffilim could feel something, 'dark' - they had no other description for it - growing somewhere without of the Universals Being. But they continued with their work.
Deak touched the shoulder of a nearby soldier lightly with a glowing blue hand, just as a long wooden shaft slammed into the soldiers chest. He continued walking amongst the warring Elvans, sending the souls on their way when Deak sensed something very wrong. He paused in his work, and turned slowly, raising his head towards the sun. A round black shape was beginning to eclipse it, but Elvads Moons orbit was on the other side of the planet currently. The black shape quickly covered the sun, plunging the planet into darkness but for the ever so faint glow of the suns corona. Deaks eyes flared bright blue, "Oh Ki're no."
Dark forms began to flow from the dark shape hiding the sun, and moved rapidly towards the planets surface. The many dark shapes landed amongst the warring Elvans, and began to rip, tear and rend them apart. The Elvans fought back but where overwhelmed by the sudden and brutal attack.
Deak stood as a shocked God. Unbelieving of what he was witnessing. What was more unbelievable to him, was that the forms rushed towards him, but before striking with their pure black claw shaped extensions, they'd shy away, whimpering, as though in abject apology.
In an instant, all the shapes disappeared, and the battle field was filled with the dead. Deak quickly reached into his robe, and promptly disappeared as well. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 19382 ( Click here )
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