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Date: 6/23/2000 6:43:00 PM From Authorid: 10934 There's no need to be "saved" Norman, God loves us all and welcomes us all with open arms to his kingdom. The words you speak sound like mans ideas of entering into Heaven, not my Fathers. But your definations of Heaven sound lovey never the less...Peace...FreeSpirit |
Date: 6/23/2000 9:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 7961
Amen! Amen! Amen! You said it Norman the great homecoming! I may never see you in this world but our faith will lead us to both our true home, keep up the good service, I have a screen saver which has the ten commandments on it which flash across the screen randomly, I get to use my computer for witness even when I'm not on it! Thanks for the Love I feel from your witness! May God bless and keep you. ![]() |
Date: 6/24/2000 2:10:00 AM
From Authorid: 4309
.....................only 144,000 tribes shall be led......Only those mauders of the old faith shall be of the 144,000......Or you prepared yourself to walk in this way.....Or you prepared to walk with god in the way he intends for the End days.....i hope you are......qouting scripture is one thing......reading it is one thing....but listening....not just hearing...but listening....in quite another.....hehe...did you know..this is wierd...that theres no where in the bible that mentions man with immortal spirit or soul......silly huh how prechers preach like it does..... ![]() |
Date: 6/24/2000 6:31:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Author 4309 that is why I always encourge folks to study the word of God for themselves with all earnest so they won't be lead into error. This is one of the main reasons why so many persons are in so much confusion. If they would only open the Holy Scriptures for themselves and believe Jesus will open their eyes and they would see it for themselves. It really pays to study and do your homework. Read 2 Timothy 2:15. Peace--Norman ![]() |
Date: 6/24/2000 7:03:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Author 10934 for you to say "There's no need to be "saved" Norman, God loves us all and welcomes us all with open arms to his kingdom. The words you speak sound like mans ideas of entering into Heaven, not my Fathers. But your definations of Heaven sound lovey never the less...Peace...FreeSpirit." Why do you think Jesus says:"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17. "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18. Does that tell you anything? Peace--Norman![]() |
Date: 6/24/2000 8:46:00 PM Thank you norman for telling it like it is....You cannot enter into heven unless you be born again...That means you have to ask Jeasus Christ the son of God into your Heart....thanks j |
Date: 6/24/2000 11:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 5484
Date: 6/24/2000 11:36:00 PM "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward" (Eccles. 9:5) |
Date: 6/25/2000 2:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 10146
Author9544 also known as Norman, You have quoted From the Book of Revelation and Request that others should do so too. I Agree with that Statement! Perhaps there is a Revelation for you there too! You think New Jerusalem Is our heavan, And that we are going to recieve it somtime in our (yet still to come)Future. Then you quote 1st Corinthians 2![]() You are now part of that city for you are tha city! This Is the Bride of Christ NOT, I repeat not, Heaven. You quoted the eye hath not seen nor ears heard text. Do you believe it?? Jesus is giving you a Glimps of your beauty and how we appear to him! What Bride dosent wont to see herself in the Mirror before she Goes out to see her Groom? There is no need for the Sun or moon for Jesus is the Light of this City. Does Jesus Give you Light? The twelve foundations have the names of the twelve Apostles. Why? They too help make up the Bride for they were the ones to first deliver to us the truth after His asention. They are worthy to be seen as the foundation of this City.The Street of Gold is the Holy Path we walk in our everyday Lives by keeping his comandments as best we can. And where we fail the River of Life Flows through us and carries us on Still. Get the Picture? Have you overlooked this? Do you believe the Bible when it says Come hither I will show you the Bride The Lambs Wife? Peace be with you! ![]() |
Date: 6/25/2000 2:18:00 AM
From Authorid: 10146
Norman WE are not the Final Frontier! Theres more to come. Remember "eye hath not seen nor ears Heard the things Christ has prepared for those that love him"? Thats the Final frontier!! ![]() |
Date: 6/25/2000 6:48:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Author 10146 what part of my story don't you understand? I am well aware of the other verses you speak of but you are missing the point altogether. Reread my story again ok? Peace--Norman ![]() |
Date: 6/27/2000 6:45:00 AM From Authorid: 10934 God did not send Jesus down here to "Save" us as so many call it. I don't "Interpret" the Bible the way your preacher would have me interpret the Bible. Jesus was sent as an example of how we, Could live if we "chose" to "Follow" his example. Love thy brother and thy sister, do onto others as you would do onto you (because what comes around goes around) We are all as one when you look at the big picture. Take a step off your soap box and absorb another yet view of this world, if you can. I dare you to open your mind for 10 minutes onto the POSSIBILITY of my views existing for me and thousands of others. I've lived your reality, most of us have. I've been down that road and not too many times along the way, have I felt as surely and as reverently in the beliefs I hold true then the ones I've posted this day. I'm evolving every day and finding "new" beginnings and I'm trying to live my life for me now, the way God intended I should. Why do people want to believe that God wants EVERYBODY to live as only he chooses? What's any of us to learn from that??? You asked: "He that believeth on him is not condemned: But he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18. Does that tell you anything? Peace--Norman Well, if you don't open your mind up to, a higher- consciousness, you are condemned. To a life that is not truly yours but someone else's to run. How conductive is that? I'll leave you at that. Peace, Love and Harmony...Free Spirit |
Date: 6/27/2000 11:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 4902
Hi free spirit I think your name says it all for you. I was not going to post until I read your last post so let me ask you are you going to save yourself and how is that done? are you a sinner? isn't everyone? and if you answer yes to this question as I am sure you will then there is only two choices leading to eternal life. one is to accept the free pardon that Jesus has already paid for with His Holy and perfect God blood to which he has used "to cover your sins and mine" so that God the father no longer see's our sin nor does he see us as an enemy to him as we are made pure by the blood of Jesus Christ without spot or blemish.{while we were yet sinners Jesus died for us} we are accepted into the family of God never to be cast out because God has loved us to his very death and Jesus has said that all that the father gives to me I will by no means cast out. the whole thing means that you are on your way to heaven to be with Jesus and the entire family of God for ever and ever. now the other choice is to work your way to heaven by your good merits. to start out this very effort on your part is a breaking of the first commandment that "you shall love the lord your god with everything that you are" because Jesus is God and if you want to work you have said "no" to his death on the cross and have disobeyed the first commandment already. second you must have never broken a commandment nor can you ever break one because to do this you would have to start a sacrifice and "God no longer accepts those" as Jesus has already paid the price. do you see what I am saying? there can be no other price for sin it is finished and your sins are forgiven if you accept Jesus as savoir. it is his way or no way remember that. you cannot please God by being you. God loves you the bible is replete with this teaching but you will not enter into heaven not being regenerated by the Holy spirit because Heaven is pure and no wicked thing can be allowed there. when we say yes to Jesus we are sealed by His spirit for redemption. when we say no to Jesus we stay unsealed unable to enter in. if you do not believe this then read about the wedding guest who came to the wedding improperly dressed Jesus says they are cast out into outer darkness.read matthew22-10 thru 13 and see. mercy and peace, IHS. ![]() |
Date: 6/27/2000 12:44:00 PM Hi Free Spirit..The very reason Christ came to this earth and died that horrible death was to give us a way back to God..He died so that our sins may be forgiven us..Jesus alone is the savior of our souls..Why do you think Jesus came to this earth and died?..What was the purpose? If Jesus was sent simply as an example for us to follow,He could have done that without being crucified in that horrible manner..He could have been just as Paul,Peter,etc..He could have simply came and taught us His righteousness..From the beginning God has demanded a blood sacrifice for atonement or forgiveness of sin..I don't totally understand this but since I believe God,I know this to be so..Now Jesus came and offered Himself as a final sacrifice.. Now ..instead us offering animal sacrifices which came from our own stock..God provided His own sacrifice to us..The holiest,greatest,unmatchable sacrifice..His own Son..There are passages in God's Word which tells people that they in no way can save themselves..There is nothing they can do to merit God's forgiveness..The only way is to accept that Jesus Christ is God's Son and to be obedient to the gospel of Christ..Which includes following God's plan for the forgiveness of sins..Sincerely Oxy |
Date: 6/27/2000 2:19:00 PM From Authorid: 10934 Hello Rangerider and Oxy, I simply offered my beliefs, but not so that I can be made to feel guilty for my beliefs. I've already said that I've walked in your shoes for many years and followed the "rules" as well as a human can, but it's not the path for me. I suppose no one knows totally what will happen in the future or when we die, but my beliefs are as heartfelt as yours and I'd like to leave it at that. I don't commentment to these postings to force my point, just offer my way of life to others, my opinion. Peace to both of you, I sense that you both are good people trying to spread the word of God and that is always good, just don't force your opinions and those of your ministers on those who already feel strongly about their beliefs. Blessed be and peace to you both! Man I love this site!!!...lol...FreeSpirit |
Date: 6/27/2000 4:22:00 PM
From Authorid: 4902
freespirit we are not forcing our beliefs nor am I following a set of rules.and what I am saying is from the bible not some miniter. God has appointed me to this, I do not do it for a church but for Jesus.I am 48 years old, I could say that I am my own man but I can not, I am Gods man. Christ lives inside me guiding me day to day. I tried to follow the rules many years ago and that lasted about two weeks. you see I loved boooze and drugs and cigs and girls ha. ha. and not in that order. so to me the rules were anathema=cursed. I could not even begain to live the christian life if not for Jesus being in my heart. I don't do such a great job today but I know that I am right with God not because I follow the rules but because Jesus did and has imputed his righteousness to me. I can only tell you that its not following the rules, its following Jesus from day to day and if you were trying to obey a set of rules then you did not have the true christian experince,because being a saved person is following Jesus and trusting in his work to get you to heaven, not trusting in your work,IHS. ![]() |
Date: 6/27/2000 7:38:00 PM From Authorid: 10934 You speak very much like me if you care to listen. The only differences are that I believe that we can't use human traits and characteristics with God. I don't see him as anything else but LOVE. He sees us and knows our souls intimately, he doesn't "need" or "require" anything from us. He gave us free will in the hopes that we can chose our destinies wisely. That's never going to happen in one "lifetime" so we have many. We, more or less, Judge ourselves because (we) ourselves, our souls are one with Him. That which does harm, does us no good, more or less...it doesn't get us where we want to be or who we want to be, so we see our "mistakes" and can then see how we can do it better. It's so simple and it's the simplicity that makes it beautiful. Simple and loving. Here I go...saying what I said I wouldn't. I'm not wanting to compound this to the point of being ridiculous. But I am enjoying this...lol. Maybe we should "Yahoo" sometime, who knows, you just may see how much we DO have in common (And I mean that in the most respectful manner, BTW). Thanks again for the chat. FreeSpirit |
Date: 6/28/2000 6:37:00 AM
From Authorid: 4902
HI FREESPIRIT We, more or less, Judge ourselves because (we) ourselves, our souls are one with Him.........freespirit, what we know of God is from the bible. let me ask you about this quote I took from your post, if we are one with God in soul, why did John the baptist{whom Jesus said was the greatest man to have ever lived} in the book of John say that he was unworthy to even untie the shoe of Jesus christ? why does the bible paint a picture of man as being a vile wicked sinner? but on the other side it paints a picture of a God who will not even look on sin and who can not even be a proched by a siiner unless it is in repentence from sin? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That which does harm, does us no good, more or less...it doesn't get us where we want to be or who we want to be, so we see our "mistakes" and can then see how we can do it better. It's so simple and it's the simplicity that makes it beautiful. Simple and loving. ................. FREESPIRIT I uinderstand what you arfe saying but you must understand why Jesus came to earth. the bible from the very beginning painst a picture of a god who walked with a perfect human male and female until the fall and then adam and Eve started to hide from God in their Guilt. they started to blame one another and to point fingers at the devil and they even blamed God. this was the result of thier sin {symptoms of sin}. thi same thing has been going on ever since that happened. it got so bad that the flood came and wiped the earth clean of sin.. except the eight people whom God kept to reestablish the human race and to bring about the linage of the mesiah and to finnally bring him{Jesus} into the world. so the question is if we are here to learn from Jesus and that is why he came then why didn't God bring him into the world before the flood? why did God kill all those people? couldn't they have learned? many of them had eight hundred years or more but God had to destory them in the flood. the sorry truth is that they were infected with evil and the older they got the more ways they made to do evil. just as we do today. the earth in its present form has been around for aboput six thousand biblical years and wht have we done? we have invented better ways to kill but not better ways to love. 2000 years since Jesus and insted of a paradise of love we have Hitler and the h-bomb. its good to learn from Jesus but that is not why He came. he came to save us from ourselves to pay a debt that we could not pay to bring us into a perfect relationship with our creator as we accept him into our heart. so I urge you to not put on another religion but to put on Jesus. make him your savior, invite him into your heart. masy you be blessed with peace. IHS. ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2000 11:36:00 AM
From Authorid: 4902
white dove come and join into the battle for that is what it is. IHS ![]() |
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