As our world divides people lie people cry people die people go shelterless, and starve and freeze, NO 1 act of kindness can cure all the pain, all the hurt, all the suffering people run people hide people kill people leave you side people disagree people aren't free people hold you down, make you frown, make you leave town people say bad things, hurtful things people pick you up just to let you down people smile people laugh people are joyess people show sadness people have truth people have God people have dreams and people have hope poeple have needs people show care people hold things within people SHOW love, people FEEL love, people FEAR love, people live people learn people give people earn people want people share people take and people make make themsleves to shine just to be dimmed dimmed by the brighter lights that can't me seen seen only by those who are willing who are forgiving The Light shines bright, it's your choice your choice to accept it, to reject, to let it in Don't dim the light just because you don't understand Take it in feel it's emotions it's pride it's power Don't live like the people LIVE like yourself Live like The Light live for what's right make your spirit worth more than the people give your all take the call just be yourself,
This poem kind of scared me. I just sat down and all these words came out. These powerful words that I could understand. I hope you enjoy my peom as much as I enjoyed writing it. ~Lotta Luv~ Fairy Wings
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .