Ok you all are probablly getting tired of reading my abstract dreams but here goes. I am in my room, when I realize it is time for the play in my auditorium. So I go downstairs to find the lower half off my school there and I keep walking to the auditorium. I get there and the ppl are watching a play where everyone is saying bla bla. I am recording it and the play has an intermission. The princapal gets on the loud speaker and says, "Everyone report to there homerooms!" but me and a few others stay in the auditorium a few extra minuts. Than we head up to my room but the upstairs off my "house" is now like the schools. I command some horses (like in AOE) to goto the lunch room for me. I get there as they do and i warp downstairs (my real downstairs). There is a kid who has a elemental following him aroung, cept the elemental is eating his energy! My elemental is there and we are gonna stop this guy and his elemental (he is under control by it) and than I wake up. Just incase u are wondering wat an elemental is its an animal that is made out of elemental energy. How it changed my life:Ummmmmmm........why do they even have this? Oh well I guess it ummm...... gave me another weird dream under my belt! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 46982 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .