Ok I was at a party and I called up this guy Bill who I have known for a while but have just recently started hangin out with him alot. His best friend Jeremy is who mY best friend Likes.....oh yeah and Jeremy tells me that Bill thinks I am cute but I thought nothin of it. Ok so I call Bill to hang out and he is at Jeremy's! They keep sayin they r not commin over and my best friend and I were wondering why......Then Jeremy says (by the way they knew I had a few drinks in me) "someone (Bill)" wants u to come over without "someone (my b/f steve of 2 yrs who everyone knows i am in love with" And Jeremy wanted to pick up both up!!!!!!!!!!! I was so insulted. They thought they were just going to pick us up and we would go back to his house and have a "little fun"! Ya know I thought Bill really liked hangin out with me, But in the end it was cause he thought i was cool or nice or funny, it was for, "u know what"
I am really hurt by this and the next time I see those 2....IT WON'T BE PRETTY TRUST ME!!!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .