....The clouds rolled across the heavens, thunder could even be heard in the small town of Lava. From the small mountain town the clouds could be seen spiralling over Soda Springs. If on listened closely, they would hear the sound of Shamus's chanting being carried with the thunder. Long bolts of lightning were arching down striking the small town of Soda Springs.Kelley was looking out the window watching the weather as it turned worse and worse. As she watched she saw the sun crest over the mountains in Wyoming as it did the clouds started to dissipate and the lightning ceased. "Well." Kelley said. "There is some good news." All eyes were on Kelley now. "It seems our friend has no power in the light of day." Everyone smiled and nodded. "Thank goodness for mother sun." She intoned. Everyone took a deep relaxing breath, for the moment they were safe. "Well, we should get some rest while we can, we have a lot..." Anna was cut short by the sudden loud snoring which began. All eyes turned to find Eric out like a light asleep on a couch. "Well thats Eric fro you. Whenever you need him just check the couch or bed." Mike said laughing. Everyone joined in the laugh before getting some rest. As the sun came over the top of the mountains Shamus screamed "No!!! Not yet, I'm not finished!!" He turned and started to run back to the house. Little did Shamus realize but two bad things happened that day for him, One the sun came up, two the caretaker of the cemetery seeing the dug up grave decided to refill the hole. (Sorry Shamus) Shamus, although weakened by sunlight was not hurt by it. As he traveled back to the house he cursed the suns existence over and over. Safe inside the house he sat and waited patiently, he knew the sun would go down sooner or later. While thinking these thoughts, he heard someone try to open the door. Then there was a knock. "Eric you home?" Came through the door. He opened the door and grabbed the surprise visitor by the throat and pulled him into the house and pinned him against the wall. Giggling softly, Shamus closed the door. Turning to the young man pinned against the wall Shamus says "Ah, Jimmy, so nice of you to visit." Jimmy was an 18 year old, 5'9", and some stocky friend of Shamus's and Paul's, before they died. "S..S..Shamus?" Jimmy stuttered "Is that you? What happened to your face?" Shamus's face was now a disfigured mass of teeth and skin. His jaw had increased in size and ha elongated. he had a severe over bite lined with a row of jagged, and sharp vampiric style teeth. His nose has started to pull itself in and up, while his eyebrows started to jut out over his black eyes in a neandertholic manner. While Jimmy looked at Shamus in revulsion, Shamus brought his hand back claws bared once more. "Shamus, what are you doing man?" Shamus's hand came rushing towards Jimmy's chest. Jimmy started to scream but was stopped suddenly when his heart was removed. A look of shock spread across his face as he watched his heart beating in Shamus's hand. Jimmy made a soft gurgling noise and slid to the floor. Looking down at Jimmy and smiling, Shamus brought the heart to his lips and took a bite.... Kelley found herself in the alley once more, the screams filled the air like before. She felt him moving closer, he was stronger than before. "I know who you are!" she yelled. "Azathoth, I denounce thee! I am not afraid of you!" A dark voiced bellowed from everywhere and nowhere at once. "What do you know girl. I am eternal. I was here before the Earth was formed and I am here to destroy it now. My time is at hand.".. Kelley woke up in a start. "He knows we're working against him." She said. She went to wake the others. They all sat in the living room "First we need supplies." Kelley said. "Anna you go over to "Aura Soma Lava" and get some books on blessings, and exorcism. I'll go to the Purple Moon and get some oils and incense. Mike and Eric sharpen your swords. Eric where is your sword?" "Well." Eric said "It's at home." Kelly looked at him quizzically. "Eric almost every time you come over you have a blade of some sort. But no not when you need one." She said smirking. "ok I'll go get one, dang. I'll bless'em while I'm at it ok." Eric replied a little embarrassed. "Ok." Kelley said. "Let's go to it." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 10266 ( Click here )
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