...Twenty miles away in Lava, Kelley found herself being chased down a long dark alley. The sounds of screams could be heard echoing down through the alley. She didn't know what was chasing her but she could feel it close behind. As Kelley ran she would glance back only to see an ominous formless shadow close behind, it flowed silently through the light from the street lamps. The shadow moved swiftly through the alley, it was gaining ground on Kelley. She ran on feeling it getting ever closer. The shadow flitted from one shadow to the next, her heart was beating a frantic pace, she was starting to become tired to keep running. As she looked ahead, she saw that the alley had come to an end. Kelley came to a sudden unfortunate stop, slowly she turned, looking desperately for some means of escape. She kept a vigilant eye, watching for the shadowy form. After a short time Kelley started to calm down, the screaming had ceased, the tension in the air was gone. The shadow was gone and everything was fine, she started to make her way back up the alley. Then she heard a soft rustling behind her, she turned in a flash to find the shadow looming down on her. It grabbed Kelley and pulled her towards itself, she saw it's eyes cold and black with an intense red flow coming from within. "I know you!" Kelley yelled. The shadow brought back it's hand, claws bared. The last thing she saw was it's claws long and stained descending in a rush towards her throat. Then all went black. The screams echoed with a new voice....
...Anna, Mike, and Eric walked outside the apartment, when Eric was struck with some bad news. "Um! We do have one small problem." Eric said "What's that?" Anna asked. "Well, my car is at home." The three of them stopped and looked at each other. "What are you kidding me? You ran over here?" Mike asked. "Um. well ya. Wouldn't you just run like heck?" Eric asked. Anna looked down "Well, I guess we better get to the car." Anna said. Mike and Eric in silence looked at each other and started to walk, followed close behind by Anna. Soon they were within sight of the apartment. Through the windows they could see that the living room lights were on. Slowly they crept towards the building, trying not to make a sound, trying not to even breath. As they crept nearer Anna stopped. "He's not there." she said. She started to walk normally every now and then mocking Eric and Mike by doing and exaggerated sneaky walk. When they got to the window Eric peeked inside, blood was pooling across the floor. Eric could see a hand sticking out from behind the wall in the hallway. He turned away from the window nausea filling our mind. Slowly he got to his feet and walked to the car. "He may not be here now, but he left someone behind inside. Let's go." The three friends piled into the car ad started towards Lava....
Shamus walked calmly through the graveyard casually checking the name on every greave he passed. Looking, searching for a specific one. "Ah, here it is." He said. Slowly he knelt down and started to chant, his voice seemed to echo off every tombstone making it sound like there were hundreds of people chanting with him. As he chanted dark billowing clouds rolled in to cover the caring light of the sister moon. Thunder could be heard in the distance. A sudden flash tore across the sky, when it did it seemed as if the spirits of those buried there had risen to watch. The slight ghostly forms floated throughout the cemetery, all eyes focused on Shamus as he chanted.
A elbereth gilthonial Silivren panamiriel A menal aglar eleneth Na cherad palendrerial A menal aglar eleneth Fanulous le linithon Nef air sinef air on
As he continued to chant he rose his arms high into the air, the suddenly plunged his hands deep into the grave and stopped chanting. He started to remove great armfuls of Earth, he wanted what lie here, he needed the power which rested under this soil. As he dug he started to laugh....
Kelley woke up in a cold sweat, she had been asleep on the couch. It had all been a dream, a dream that had been all to real. As she sat up there was a knock at the door. "Kelley, It's Anna. Open up." Kelley rose to her feet and opened the door, seeing her three friends haggered expressions, she said "I know he's back, let's get started."......