...At the police station Officer Bunderson was still a little stumped by Eric's ranting. "Dang, what was up with that boy?" Bunderson asked himself. Shaking his head Officer Bunderson walked for the door. "I guess I should at least see what spooked him."At Eric's house Shamus stopped laughing. "Ah." he said "A visitor, a sacrifice." As he spoke the smoke from the incense billowed thickly, filling the room. In a think fog Shamus laughed softly to himself. Police world wide for some reason have never learned to knock on a door lightly, for example at this moment Officer Bunderson started hitting Eric's door with his flashlight RAP-RAP-RAP "Mr Franks, it's Officer Bunderson, are you there?" (would anyone you know besides the police try to knock on your door with a hard metal object?).
Inside Shamus smiled "Ah, yes" shaking his head a little Shamus started to speak again this time not in his own voice, but in Eric's. "Yes Officer, come in." He said as he rose to his feet. Shamus reached over and picked up a small rock fountain Eric had in the living room. Officer Bunderson stepped in to the smoke filled hallway. "Hello? What's with all the smoke?" He asked. "It helps me concentrate, so I can focus on the work ahead." A voice in the living room answered. Officer Bunderson turned and headed towards the living room. "What work?" He asked as he rounded the corner. He came face to face with Shamus, eyes black and pupils glowing red, Shamus smiled a toothy grin, his teeth now sharp and jagged as he continued to change. "What in the wo...?" was all Bunderson could say before the fountain hit him in the head.
How much time had passed? Bunderson didn't know, he woke to find himself tied to the floor, hand stretched out to the side. His feet were bound together and hel to the floor also. He soon discovered he had duct tape on his mouth and that his shirt had been removed. "Ah good your awake, I hate working on people that are unconscious. Do you know why?" Shamus asked. Bunderson shook his head. "I like to see their expressions" Shamus said giggling. Bunderson tried to talk but couldn't. "Ah do you have something to say?" Shamus asked. Bunderson nodded. Reaching down Shamus released some of the tape. "Your dead, How can you be here?" Bunderson asked. "It's funny you should ask that." Shamus said. "First I'll make it simple. There is an ability called astral travel most people who have near death experiences have used it. They talk about looking down and seeing their body. Well when I was killed before, my spirit left my body, I travelled a short way and found something with enough negative energy in it for me to resurrect myself. Do yo know what I 'm going to do now?" Shamus asked. "No." Bunderson said. Shamus leaned forward and put the tape back on Bundersons mouth. "Well, this is where I sacrifice you so I can get more power. I used almost everything I had to get back. " Shamus said as he slowly raised his knife into Bunderson's view. There it was gleaming in the light, the spiralling black handle topped with a falcons head. Two claws coming down as a handguard. And the long double edged blade. Seeing this Bunderson started to struggle, trying to to break his bonds.
Shamus raised the knife high above his head as Bunderson watched. The knife came down in a rush burying itself deep in Bundersons chest. Eye's wide, Bunderson tried to scream but couldn't. Shaking and his breathing ragged Bunderson stopped moving. When Shamus pulled the knife downward breaking all of his ribs, Shamus laughed and started to feast on his fallen prey.
At that instant across town, in the middle of making plans, Anna stops and looks out the window in the direction of Eric's apartment. "What's wrong, Anna?" Mike asked. Anna turned and looked at Mike and Eric "He's getting stronger. I can feel him from here." Shaking his head Mike slams his fist down on the table. "We need to hurry! We have to find his weakness." Eric looks at them both. "If it is Azathoth no one was around last time he was here. So there is no texts with his weaknesses. But I could be wrong about who it is." He said. Anna shaking her head stands up and puts on her shoes "We need to get out of here before he pays a visit again, we'll find our answers in Lava Idaho, I'm sure of it. They have enough stores that sell the right equipment. Like oils, herbs, books, and crystals. Heck maybe Kelley can help." Eric's head snaps up. "What! Do you really think that's a good idea?! Kelley is Shamus's mom after all!" He blurted out. Anna looked at Eric and said "She knows Shamus is dead, and that this isn't Shamus. She can help!" Eric stood up and started for the door. "Ok lets go."....
Meanwhile Shamus sat back, eyes afire, the red glow having gotten brighter. His cheeks, chin, and lips stained red with the blood of his prey. "Yes!! Bring me more! I need more!" He yelled in a voice no longer human. Smiling, his teeth longer now, Shamus yelled in a voice deep and hollow "Let the hunt begin"....