Hi, this is Michael (Gryffindor Seeker). You may remember me from a similar post a few weeks back. If not, I'm an 18 year old male who works at a private preschool with young children.
Anywho, it's time for Kid's Say The Craziest Things Part 2: Bundles of Joy!
Okay, yesterday I was substituting for my mother who assists one of the PreK classes at the school. The teacher asked me to go cut out some hearts so we could replace the children's name tags that are taped to the carpet (so that they know where to sit...) I did them and offered to tape them to the floor while they were outside at recess. I wanted to see if they noticed when they came in. What a reaction when they did! I've never felt so good. The kids walked in and started screaming and yelling "Look at my name tag! It's so pretty!". And this was because all the girls were out that day...it was just boys. I got hugs and everything. I never knew kids could react like that just for name tags. One little boy walked over to his nametag, lied down on the floor, placed his head on the name tag while stroking it. He was like "look! It's my name tag. My very own name tag. It's so pretty..."
That same kid lead us to another good laugh later that day in daycare. We were watching the kids play outside when we heard what sounded like someone singing. We looked everywhere but couldn't figure out where it was coming from till we noticed it was coming from above - from the treehouse. I looked up there and saw that same little boy nestled in the branches of the tree singing. It took me awhile to figure out what it was. Now, most likely only older USMers will find the cuteness of the moment when a 4 year old is singing to himself "and then I saw her face...and now I'm a believer..."
Ah, as of now I refer to him as my "Little Munkee".
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .