Take another drink, Then afterwards you can blame it on me, Take another drink, Then afterwards tell me how sh***y i am, Take another drink, Then afterwards tell me that you hate me, Take another drink, Then afterwards watch me walk away, Take another drink, Then watch my world fade, Take another drink, Then watch your world crumble, Take another drink, Then watch my love for you die, Take another drink, Your also dieing on the inside, Take another drink then feel sorry for yourself, Take another drink, and then you get my pity, Take another drink, Then tell me to get the h*ll out of your house and never come back, Take another, and another Then you cant feel your numb, Then go ahead and pass out. When you wake you dont remember your horrible actions or words, You dont remember hurting me, You think you have done nothing wrong, But, thats ok DADDY, I'll push back the pain and let it out another day, Now all the pain has come back to haunt me, I try to talk to you, But as always you have done nothing wrong, You say i just need to get over everything you had done or said, You told me to suck it up, That all i am trying to do is make you feel bad, That i am just insecure about myself, So i am taking it out on you, But you and I both know thats not true, Its not you I hate, It's your disease, And only you with the cure, As for me, There never will be, You anymore...
By: White Lightning
*Note* I had to grow up with a drunk ...and i still live with the pain he caused today ...he still thinks he has done nothing wrong ...and we dont speak very much..... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 11756 ( Click here )
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