Hello, I just thought I would write this post, telling everyone my idea's and thoughts on this topic
If you are thinking of killing yourself, you want to kill yourself I suggest that you please change your mind. No matter how bad things can get for you, remember that there are lots of people out there that love and care for you. It may not seem like they do, but they honestly do. I have been down this path many times, and I have wanted to kill myself. Dont ever lose hope in yourself. There are so many cruel people out there, and killing yourself will just make it worse. It wont solve anything. You make a difference, and if other people can't see that, then its their fault. Talk to someone about it, a friend, a family member, a counsellor, or sometimes it helps to talk to someone you dont know personally, but if you need to talk then im sure you can come on here and many people will be willing to talk with you. If you really think your life is that bad, think of the starving people out there, people who have lost friends or family members in the World Trade Center, People that are in wheel chairs and cant walk. Others who have mental disabilities. You are much better of than them. I have always hated myself, and thought down on my self because so many people told me bad things about myself, that I started to believe them and I still do. But I have learned to take my own advice, and my friends advice. And to reconsider wanting to die, when I realize how many people will be hurting if I was gone. If you are thinking of doing something stupid, please message me. Thank you for Reading this You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35109 ( Click here )
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