Written by Targ Dedicated to Banner my dear sister in law who let me live in her story (Eric). Although I was knocked out.
The evil which resided in Mike went dormant letting him act normal yet deep inside the change was beginning. The interviews with the police slowly abated, it was all called self defense. The police had enough evidence to know Shamus was the killer. All was calm in the little town of Soda Springs once again.
Slowly the evil started to manifest itself, Mike would have fits of temper. Two weeks had passed since Shamus had been defeated. Once again the evil poured forth. As Mike and Anna slept peacefully in their bed Mike's eyes snapped open, the whites gone and embers of hate burned deep within. Slowly Mike rose to his feet and crept into the living room. Looking around he saw the sword he knew all to well. There it hung on the wall in its red scabbard, the ivory handle carved meticulously into a coiled dragon snarling with its promise of death. Mike slowly reached up and took the sword off the wall caressing the blade. The evil remembered the sharpness of the blade, it remembered the blade slicing threw its own neck. Slowly Mike grinned his lips curled back as he whispered in a hissing and malicious voice "vengeance".
Mike turned, head low and walked to the bedroom, the sword held tightly in his hand. He stood next to the bed looking down at Anna. His grin got wider as he rose the blade above his head. Anna being startled awake by a nightmare filled with death, stared up at Mike. Once again Anna's mind was filled with the image of the beast inside. Anna tried to scream but all that came out was a gurgling noise. Slowly Anna said "M..M...Mike?" fear filling her voice. Mike's sneer started to falter the sword trembled in his hand, a tear formed in Mike's eye and he uttered softly in a trembling voice "Anna". Anna seeing that Mike was still in there said "Fight it Mike" in a voice full of fear and desperation. Slowly the evil regained control, and Mike rose the sword once more. "Mike!!" Anna screamed, as the sword descended towards her. At that instant Mike screamed "NO!!" in a voice filled with agony and slumped to the floor unconscious. As he fell Anna heard another voice cold and filled with hate. "Death" it said as a shadowy form moved across the wall through the moonlight filtering through the window. Anna could feel the evil in the room, she could feel the hate directed at her for breaking the hold on Mike. Suddenly their was a gust of wind as the curtains on the window blew outward, and the presence was gone.
Meanwhile across town Eric was fumbling through some old books he had tracked down. They were texts on demonology and possessions. Eric was trying to find out what the demon was or where it come from. In his travels Eric has seen, heard, and read many things concerning demonology, the ancient gods, even some research on Wiccan beliefs. But now trouble was on his doorstep and he wanted to know why. Eric slammed the book he was reading shut. "I just don't get it!" he shouted "I can't find anything in these books fitting the description".
Yet in Eric's room at that very moment, one of Eric's tokens from his past studies started to glow a deep red. It was a small crystal skull which came from Peru. It was supposed to bring luck but today it brought something else. Slowly the skull's glow got brighter till it seemed the room was on fire with it light. The eyes of the skull remained black and hollow. Suddenly the skull lept of the shelf onto the floor and shattered, releasing a cloud of smoke. The smoke started to swirl and billow, echoes at screams from the past could be heard if one listened carefully. Suddenly the smoke stopped swirling and sucked inward and disappeared in its place stood something dark and terrible. Twin glowing pin pricks of light shown through the darkness as his head turn. Shamus peered slowly around the room, his eyes stopped on a sword resting on its stand. Shamus picked up the sword and tested its edge on his thumb, blood started to trickle down the blade. Shamus smiled and went to the door of the room.
In the living room Eric heard his bedroom door open. He lept to his feet and looked down the hall to see what was there. His blood turned to ice in his veins as the vision of terror came walking down the hall "Shamus!" Eric whispered in surprise. "I'm back!" Shamus uttered with his lips pulled back into an evil sneer. Eric's mind gripped with fear, ran for the front door faster than a cockroach when the light turns on. Eric headed for Anna and Mike's house.
Meanwhile in the house Shamus laughed "I'll be coming" he said smiling....
To be continued.