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Religeon debate

  Author:  42790  Category:(Debate) Created:(1/14/2002 12:43:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1005 times)

Well, I know at least half the people here are christian and I just wanted to know what all you guys thought about this.

Did God create man, or did man create God?

Post your reply and if you want you can give all that technical babal, but none of that stuff like "It's in the bible" because anyone can write a novel.


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Date: 1/14/2002 12:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 48995    i think that we are taught to believe that God created man. that is what i believe, but no one really can say for sure. GirlUnforgiven
Date: 1/14/2002 12:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    Well...I believe that God created man....but I believe that man creates his own interpretations of God and who or what he/she/they/it is/are.  
Date: 1/14/2002 12:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 14780    Blng'n...get ready your in for it on this one...lol..see ya around!!! Lots of Love  
Date: 1/14/2002 12:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 22704    DUH! YOU FIGURE IT OUT!  
Date: 1/14/2002 12:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 47162    Both. God created man! But some men have created a God of their own!..r1  
Date: 1/14/2002 12:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 47162    ladynyx..imagine you posting in a religion discussion..lol....HI!--r1  
Date: 1/14/2002 12:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 46530    The chicken and the egg comes to mind. I don't believe in God, so would say that God is a construct of peoples faith, but they then believe that God created them
Date: 1/14/2002 1:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 44348    i say a single man created god then he got followers who created christianity and the other religions except atheism  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 49101    I with the chicken and the egg theory. LOL MissC.  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 40089    LOL well well did you open a can of worm's lol
I think anyone with common sense can look around and see God created man and this universe ,but ( man ) with his tiny brain can come up all kinds of theories , part have monkey brains part rocks for brains and part just have common sense LOL now Evolution has taken thousands of years for man to come to where his is now right, well dont you think we have really turned it on the last 100 years LOL really GOD BLESS
Date: 1/14/2002 1:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 12006    Man created God. Period.  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 49330    I am christian, yet I note that christianity was not popular till forced upon the people of England. The dead sea scrolls mention nothing of christ and when the jews ventured into Babylon in the mesopatamian basin their culture changed and there was a great rush and much argueing between the scribes. BUT IS IT NOT THE CORE OF MOST RELIGIONS IS BUT A TEST OF FAITH, DO YOU HAVE ANY?
~*EmicaKayLee*~ No offenses intended to any1
Date: 1/14/2002 1:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 49330    Has any one read "The Amber Spyglass" your comment would be appreciated ~*EmicaKayLee*~  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 47317    Man created God, Man keeps God living ....Auryn  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 19092    As I look at the sky at night, all the stars and ponder the beauty of the universe, see the beauty of our world with mountians, trees, lakes, oceans, animals and such, learn more about science and the mathematical design of it all, I view the universe as a work, like the Mona Lisa, a beautiful picture. Now, if I took a bunch of colored sand, mixed it all together, threw it in the air, no matter how many times I tried this, it would never come down looking like the Mona Lisa. I believe in creation...  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 44404    good question. i had a thought on that not too long ago. thinking on Noah. he was saved the fury of God's wrath. God said (in so many words), "look man, i gotta cleanse the earth of sin. i have chosen to save you and your family, that you might preserve all that i want to stay living (all the animals two by two). build an ark and do that." noah does this, the waters recede, and life begins anew. but what happens after that? well, for those who do not read all of the stories, he makes some wine from grapes and gets loaded. in his stooper, he passed out in a tent, naked. one of his son's walks into the tent, sees his father naked (vulnerable) and freaks out. he runs to his brothers, "look, guys. i just saw pops and he was naked, what do i do?" the brothers walk into the tent, covering there eyes, and wake up Noah. "uh dad, our brother saw you naked." Noah wakes and is furious. he curses the son who has seen him naked for all eternity. question. God is the creator and the destroyer. he made man in his image. if he could not trust man to keep himself in line, then why give man the likened power to create and destroy? man is not in God's image, if man was than there would be no need for God as we would all be His equals. Noah has the power to curse his son for his transgression, but who has power over God? Instead there is an example of God-like power given to man to wield on one another, and rather sporadically. I do not know what i believe in (born catholic, mother decided we would be luthern after a fashion, and i now only have a liking towards a few pastures i met on the way without having a devout status anymore). I do believe that the book holds many unanswered questions and i do believe that i have a decent understanding of man, but i have no more insights on the actions of man than I do God. so what's in a named image? just food for thought. minnow  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 35281    Man created god.Lilwicca  
Date: 1/14/2002 1:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 11756    well i am not christian ..so therfor i dont beleive in god...but ...i have never thought of that question before ...it really gives you something to think about ....no one really knows , you just have to have that leap of faith ...which i haven't found...maybe i will someday ..to tell you the truth ..i have been studying up on evolution and all of it doesn't sound so crazy , but i dunno wat i beleive in ...you never know about that stuff cause...like how do we know who wrote the bible ?? anyone could have , and then like someone from the next generation could have addded...and so forth ...and now it has gotton to us and now god is just supposed to be all might and he loves everybody and he helps people!! if he helps , why is there so much killing and sinning today ....if he cared about "his" world it seems as though he would have stopped all that crap along time ago  
Date: 1/14/2002 2:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 11756    and it seems like if god was real...that everyone would have beleived in him ...and why are there so many religions that beleive in different gods??  
Date: 1/14/2002 2:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 19092    By the way, I really don't think the Mona Lisa is a beautiful painting. It's just the only famous painting I could think of, LOL. I really think she's kind of ugly, or should that read "uuuuuuugly"...  
Date: 1/14/2002 2:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 46014    I believe man created the image of "God"/  
Date: 1/14/2002 2:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 49196    i say that God created all man and child, heaven and earth. i also say that man has created god. we have become a nation were religion is just an option, a mere label of ourselves. as my parents grew up they were either religious or shunned, nothing in between. our society has become so empty from feelings forgotten. we have lost so much emotion, we disconnect from the earth that God created and replace it with our sinicism. we feel so guilty so we sooth our guilt with the absense of God or the creation of a god that accepts this behavior. God created man in his image and we create god with our own image~OrganGrinder
Date: 1/14/2002 2:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 35510    I don't know, actually no one knows, but I'm not betting on the bible  
Date: 1/14/2002 2:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 49109    lilwicca and velvet Must be dislexic (sorry for the spelling). The truth is that something had to start evolution, or the big bang. God came first wether anyone believes it or not. God created Man, who tehn created gods (notice the capital God and lower case gods). Sincerely,
Date: 1/14/2002 3:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 10146    Man Created Man! Because God, became the Man that did the Creating! The Mans name that did the Creating was JESUS!  
Date: 1/14/2002 3:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 46005    lol around novel, I have often said the bible is a book full of wonderful stories.....   
Date: 1/14/2002 4:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 17525    Well the Bible isn't really a novel. It's a compilation of many different books written over many years of time. The authorship of which is almost unanimously unknown. Asfar as man creating God or vice-versa, I'm with Lady Nyx. Man creates his concepts. God has yet to be defined so it's not possible to answer what it is that may have done the creating, or how. JMO Peace,  
Date: 1/14/2002 4:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 5886    I think Man created God(s). After all, every culture came up with their own. Seems that if there was just 1 God, we would have tens of thousands of Gods inspired from the same world. Besides, Minnow had a point with the whole Noah thing that I'd like to add onto. If God flooded the world to wash away sin, then why did sin survive on the Ark? Sounds like God failed to me, and people say he never fails.  
Date: 1/14/2002 4:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 11091    I believe man creadt "God"  
Date: 1/14/2002 5:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 19220    I agree with LadyNyx and Osiris  
Date: 1/14/2002 5:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    Mindhacker....I see that you are new....let me clue you in....if you will read the note that is just below the author's post (the one written in red) you will see that we don't use name calling or insults. Velvet and lilwicca are entitled to their opinions without your name calling. We can disagree here without lowering ourselves to that point.  
Date: 1/14/2002 6:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    i think man created god and i say that theres proof there is more than one god if the bibles true cause it says "let us creat man in our form"  
Date: 1/14/2002 6:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 10146    Image, Jester, Image! lol  
Date: 1/14/2002 7:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Why bother with this post?? Its seems you have your mind made up.  
Date: 1/14/2002 7:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    LadyNxy: I dont see where mindhacker said anything out of line?  
Date: 1/14/2002 7:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    God created man, ask HIM he WILL tell ya.  
Date: 1/14/2002 8:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 15319    AH HA FirstBorn! Caught you AGAIN! Always coming onto religion posts preaching BOTH your lungs out. And whats THIS? *Snatches book away from FB* 1,000,000 ways to get people to convert?! Ahh..what will we do with you...hehe j/k. To answer seriously, God created man, IMHO.  
Date: 1/14/2002 9:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    dark Angel: lol lol, I know, both of my lungs, I've used them to much today and I'm glad you agree that God created man, hugs to you and I'm going to bed now. Goodnight and may God bless.  
Date: 1/15/2002 7:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 33817    King Caspian, throw that sand a trillion times, you'll at least get Whistler's Mother. Mindhacker, it's "dyslexia". Try to be able to spell your insults, at the very least. Firstborn, you didn't hear anything wrong with what Mindhacker said? Wait,of course you didn't! You must be ILLITERATE!!!  
Date: 1/15/2002 9:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    POWERONE; saying some one is dyslexia is not a bad thing, I've seen much worse here on usm, like when people call other people, *illiterate** I guess thats ok, well of course it is cause you said it and not someone else.  
Date: 1/15/2002 9:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 33817    Saying someone has dyslexia is "not a bad thing" much like saying someone is fat is "not a bad thing". Truth, although an absolute defense in libel law, can hurt feelings unintentionally. I'm sitting here, with my forehead crinkled, desperately trying to figure out if your last comment was nice or sarcastic. The part about, "I guess thats ok, well of course it is cause you said it and not someone else". I hear so much sarcasm, yet my megalomaniac side hears nothing but subtle praise, perhaps even subconscious...?????  
Date: 9/10/2002 8:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 60759    man create god. of coursE!

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