ok, the first time i had ever heard of Trent Reznor (the sole member of NIN) was when i bought Marilyn Manson's Antichrist Superstar. that being one of my absolute favorite CDs of all time, i decided to check out some of Reznor's own work. this man is a genius. The Fragile is a two disc set, filled with emotion. songs have topics ranging from hate (Somewhat Damaged) to i guess what you could call a love song (The Fragile) and depression (The Great Below). thats only the first disc. the best song on that disc is The Fragile. its just an amazing song that makes you think about a lot of different things... awesome.
the second disc is also excellent, but has a bit too much "filler" for my taste (too many instrumental songs). the best song on the second disc is Star, Inc. angry, violent, and filled with electronic distortion, its a great song to listen to when you just feel like smashing something. this is not an album anyone who is easily offended by language should listen to. Reznor also does some trashing of the Christian religion, about "where is god?", and he can go slightly over the top in some instances. just a fair warning. this album will go down as a masterpiece, and is an essential piece of any true music fans collection. -madhatter87 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42450 ( Click here )
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