Okay this didn't happen to me. It happened to my little brother's dad when we were younger. Okay, anyway I was 4 or 5 and my older brother was 7 at the time and we were playing hide and seek with our baby brother's dad. We were in the house and it was my brother, Joey's turn to find us. So I was standing in the kitchen and Mike (my little brother's dad) came in and climbed on the counter and onto the top of the refridgerator. He's a small man so he fit very well. I hid somewhere dumb like under the table and Joey found me right away. I was laughing at Mike on top of the fridge and Joey was looking in the cupboards and stuff. So Mike decided to scare Joey and jumped from the top of the fridge and his shorts got caught on the freezer door. LOL! Me and Joey screamed cause we thought the fridge was gonna fall but then we started laughing cause Mike was hanging from the freezer door by his shorts with his butt showing. LMAO mom walked in and yelled at Mike for letting us play hide and seek in the house and she was walking out and his shorts ripped and he hit the floor and started laughing...it was so funny.
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