Date: 1/5/2002 1:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 46527
I am in the UK and I have 9 cats, I think this practice is totally inhumane. If it is done merely to save the chairs from getting snagged then perhaps these people should not have a cat in the first place. I would imagine that, for the cat, it is similar to a human having their nails removed. That would hurt SO much. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to put their beloved pet through such agony all for the sake of a few scratches on the furniture.......La Sorcière Rouge  |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 44390
It is cruel! it hurts the cats, In my opinion, If you don't like the fact you need to train a cat not to claw, DON'T GET A CAT! Thats just common sense. Declawed cats feel the same need to climb, except now they can't do it. It s cruel to the cats and don't declaw your pets, everyone! *~Slayer Babe~*  |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 24732
My cats catch mice, they need their claws.  |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 16061
Ouch who would do that to there cats, thats not nice I can see no possible reason how this would help the cat but only the owner.  |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 177
I only think it is cruel if the cat is going to be an outdoor cat. Obviously cats need to defend themselves sometimes, or to climb trees to escape from their foes. I see no problem if it is a indoor cat.  |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 10722
My cat is declawed. It is quite necessary to have them this way if they are to be kept indoors.  |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:53:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47273
but why do you think the need to have your cat declawed i think if you are going to have a cat you should teach it not to claw at the furniture as i have with all my cats and i see no probloem with them having claws |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 47162
I agree with the responders!  |
Date: 1/5/2002 1:57:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47273
which responders do you agree with 47162?? |
Date: 1/5/2002 2:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 10722
To each their own. Some people declaw their pets, and some people don't. Neither is bad.  |
Date: 1/5/2002 2:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 46527
Anomaly, do you think it hurts the cat?....La Sorcière Rouge  |
Date: 1/5/2002 2:14:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47273
if people dont like cats how they are naturally born then i think you shouldnt have them as a pet |
Date: 1/5/2002 2:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 30743
Personally, I flinch at the thought of declawing. I wouldn't like to do it, wouldn't say I never would, however. If by chance I ever did, though, it is a lifetime responsibility for that cat, because if left on it's own, it would not be able to survive. I know a couple that adopted a cat that they found abandoned, and declawed. People need to think more before they do this, and consider the committment involved, if they are able to handle this. Personally, if I were a cat, I would NEVER want this done... Great Post, Thanks for sharing, Love and BIG MONKEY HUGS!!!!  |
Date: 1/5/2002 2:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 32193
usually, when a cat is declawed, its an inside they have no use to go outside!!  |
Date: 1/5/2002 3:09:00 PM
From Authorid: 10146
Does your Country Raise cattle? Do they Make Steers out of Bulls There, for the Reason of Producing better beef for you to buy at your Meat Markets? Does this Hurt the Bull calf? Do sheep in your Country, get their Tails Cropped? Do dogs in Your Country get nutered? Does Cats in Your Country get Spayed? Does this Hurt Them? By golly, I believe it does. But hey, they are Animals! Humans are superior to Them. God Put the Animals under subjection to us. As long as you eat an animal, you gonna be hurting it, in some way. Having a cat Declawed under proper cedaition is not Cruel. And It is only Nature for a cat to Claw at Somthing to keep their claws sharpened. They have no respect for Furnishings, when Natures instinks kick in. And my Own personal oppinion, is that you Cannot "FULLY" break a cat from clawing at A house full of furnature, while the cat is being locked inside with it. You may teach the cat to tone down the clawing of the Furnature but to have full assurance is to have it declawed. And My Niece had a cat until it Died of Old Age that was declawed, and it caught Mice very well without any dificulty, That We could notice. She, (the cat) batted the mouse hard enough to to knock it senseless, then the Teeth took care of the rest. Poor Mice! Don't you think this hurt the poor things. After all, mice can makes very good pets!  |
Date: 1/5/2002 3:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 48444
When you get an animal declawed it is with the intent of keeping the animal inside. I don't think it as cruel considering we have other things done to our animals to keep them from having babies. Angletear |
Date: 1/5/2002 4:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 43312
In Canada it is cruel as well. Cats scratch things to wear away the uncomfortable sheath of hard skin and keratin at the base of their claws. Also, I have heard that declawing is painful to the cat, and severely decreases its climbing abilities, as you've said. |
Date: 1/5/2002 5:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 3263
Ohh, dude, this couldn't have come at a better time! My best friend just got her cat declawed (front only) because she doesn't want the cat to ruin her furniture! I'm like "well don't you think that's being kinda selfish, you KNEW she had claws when you got her!" But, she did it anyways *sigh* I personally am against it, I think it is cruel. Not only that but there was a time, up until about 2 weeks ago, that my friend was speaking of getting rid of her cat. Ok, so what if she decides to get rid of her, and whoever she goes to, lets her outside? Cats need their front claws, ESPECIALLY when they are outside! I went to my friends today, and it was heartbreaking to watch this poor cat attempting painfully to walk and play. *shakes head* now my friend thinks she might have an infection on one paw...*shrug* nothing I can do...she asks my advice, yet doesn't take it, this is her first cat and I've had many...  |
Date: 1/5/2002 7:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 10146
Dark Crow, Where I now Live, Because we just recently sold and relocated, there are at least 20 wild Cats that Roam this Neighbor hood. I mean, Wild, untame, domestic house cat types. I have a Special Wire Pen to place our Garbage in to keep the neighbors Dogs from tearing into the bags until the day of which the Garbage truck runs for pickup. Oh my, how safe these cats would only be, if "they" did not have claws to climb up the sides of the Wire with, so they too can tear into these garbage sacks with, also! But since they have their claws for protection, they are forced to use them as Ninja Cats, as they Fight off the bullets, of my guns, and the Neighbors guns. See, we live in a Rural town where guns are still allowed to defend our Property. Needless to say, more than two, have sufferd more than a Broken Nail claw.  |
Date: 1/5/2002 9:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 26452
i can't STAND de-clawing cats! its HORRIBLE!Anom,I havr 2 cats,I used to have 5,& my aunt has 19,NOT ONE is de-clawed & ALL of them are inside cats,even for inside cats,its not "quite necessary" i think people just need to either teach their cat(s) not to claw,or don't get one!  |
Date: 1/5/2002 9:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 37354
The increase in declawing cats has been beneficial to my hound dogs nose. The unfortunate thing is he coughs up cathair balls. Hugo |
Date: 1/5/2002 9:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 44228
it i sMEAN to a cat i would never do it how would you feel if somone yanked out your fingernails??huh? < future  |
Date: 1/5/2002 9:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 44228
it i sMEAN to a cat i would never do it how would you feel if somone yanked out your fingernails??huh? < future  |
Date: 1/5/2002 11:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 46704
I would never declaw any of my cats, even though they are indoor only. I don't know if it is actually is painful, but it sure sounds like it would be! Cloudfire  |
Date: 1/6/2002 12:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 38119
I would never do this to any of my cats. It is cruel and inhumane. They don't just pull the cats nails out. From what I 've heard some of the bone has to be removed with the nail. Then they have to walk around on their mutilated paws while they're still healing.  |
Date: 1/6/2002 11:48:00 AM
From Authorid: 26452
Haadam,actually,no getting a cat spayed doen't hurt,they give pain killers,& i've NEVER seen a problem with a cat in pain after a sypa THAT is for the better of the cat,getting a cat spay.itprotects it from many diseases.& declawing a cat,well actually,lets not use that word,why not call it what it really is? declawing a cat is AMPUTATING a part of the cats paw! its like getting your figers cut off from the top joint & would you guys feel getting 1/3 of your fingers cut off,cause that how it is for the cat,and cats have to walk on them & many problems later in their life.getting a cat spayed will take AWAY problems,but getting a cat declawed CAUSES problems,pain & psychological problems as well.  |
Date: 1/6/2002 6:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 3263
Hadaam, as it is not your fault that the cats are wild, and not cared for, they have to eat, it no different than a homeless person rummaging through garbage cans to find food? Would you shoot them as well?? I'm not at all trying to be mean, just bringing a different view to light...  |
Date: 1/6/2002 6:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 3263
As for spaying/neutering of cats, and dogs for that matter, that is just a precaution. I believe it is every cat and dog owner's responsibility to have their pet fixed. It's really no different than birth control for humans, only animals can't take monthly pills (that I know of) or use condoms...  |
Date: 1/7/2002 4:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 10146
True a Homeless Human Will get Hungry too. Him I will Feed for a Time, Do what needs to be done, Which is Get and Give as Much help as I could to get him off of the Street and back up on his feet. Then if he Throws it all away, Becomes a Again What he was when I found him, Then it would appear to me he likes that kind of life, Therfore, He best not be be Rummaging through my Garbage Again. You cannot help those who are not willing to help themselves. Now if he was Meek in Mind, Different Storie! As for the Animals, The Varmets, as we Call them around here. It is not my Responsibility to feed all the Animals. A Animal is not a Human and in Know Wise can be Compared to. If we "can" Compare them, Then I ask you, How Many "Human" Round Steaks, T-Bones, Etc. have you Eaten in your Day? That Cow, Calf, Bull, Desires to Walk around Alive Just Like You Humans. Wouldn't you agree?  |
Date: 1/7/2002 4:51:00 AM
From Authorid: 10146
I too think, that If it had not been for Doctor Dolittle the Shrink, We Humans could have never known about the Cat that laid on the couch and revilled It's psychological problems as well. LoL  |
Date: 1/7/2002 2:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 22080
what if they escape to the wild they wont be able to defend themselves so BAN DECLAWING  |
Date: 1/28/2002 11:40:00 AM
From Authorid: 40530
I think that it is no cruler than neturing, which is an essential to prevent hassel  |
Date: 6/22/2003 3:22:00 AM
From Authorid: 13897
I live in the USA, and i think declawing is terrible!! i would never do that to my cat!  |
Date: 6/22/2003 3:24:00 AM
From Authorid: 13897
I agree with Jestr! and really, it seems like many americans really like to treat other creatures poorly for their own conveinience. i think it's sick.  |
Date: 10/21/2003 4:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 25756
I live in the US and when we got our cat, we had to sign papers saying that we wouldn't declaw her before we could take her home. I wouldn't want her to be declawed anyhow.  |
Date: 12/14/2003 2:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 35328
well in my opinion cats are sometimes declawed because they are inside animals and its not only to keep them from ruining furniture, but also to reduce the risk of them getting injured by getting their claws stuck in something, by getting their claws ripped out, but getting and spreading cat scratch fever, it isnt really cruel cause they dont feel it.i agree and disagree with everyone to a certain extent, it depends on the person, and their reason behind doing it...  |
Date: 5/16/2005 9:01:00 AM ( Admin-DNL )
I interned in a vet clinic for awhile and I am going to be a vet tech. In the clinic I was at they almost never agreed to do the declawing procedure. I only know of it being done once there, I think an exception was made for some reason, meaning there was something wrong with the cat and they needed to be removed. Declawing is a very cruel procedure, and as others said it would be to a human like ripping out your nails. I guess I can understand that people do not want their furniture ruined, but then maybe they shouldn't have a cat. If you get your cat declawed than they can definitely not be an outdoor cat, they wouldn't be able to survive without their claws. |