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Date: 6/11/2000 7:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 7654
Your story was real good, I have always enjoyed reading stories of the bible,And I can only speak for myself and tell you my what I think. Yes I do think that I will stand with God one day, ofcourse he will get onto me for a few things, but hey I'm not perfect , but then who is?.....Nansassy ![]() |
Date: 6/11/2000 9:08:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Author 7654 if you believe in Christ and are saved and have kept His commandments and your name is found written in the Book Of Life you along with the rest who are saved and whose names are found written also in the Book Of Life will not only be able to talk to God face-to-face but you will also have the privilege of exploring God's vast creation. Peace--Norman ![]() |
Date: 6/11/2000 10:06:00 PM norman ---you know i knew thgis was one of your posts long before i got to the end---wow guy you are really really deep into this ---so if i ever need guidance--i guess i will seek yu out first--ok khoral/*\ |
Date: 6/11/2000 10:42:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Khoral, I didn't come across this site by accident nor am I sharing what I am sharing by accident. Believe it or not it is not me who is talking but the Lord is using me by impressing upon my mind what to write so others will want to come nearer to the Lord and learn of His precious truths and be saved. You are drawn to the word of the Lord for His words are life indeed. Jesus says:"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11![]() ![]() |
Date: 6/12/2000 12:08:00 AM
From Authorid: 8663
Hi Norman, The way I see it, now that we are in Christ... by His offering as being crucified He has perfected for all time we who are sanctified. And where there is forgiveness there is no longer any offering for sin. Therefore, we have confidence to enter the holy place at any time and we can now draw near with a sincere heart and full assurance into the presence of God now and for all time (Hebrews Ch.10 14-22). So according to the scripture, we who believe in the resurrected Christ are in the presence of our creator... 24/7. Grace to you. ![]() |
Date: 6/12/2000 12:13:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Author 8863 it's interesting you say that because that should always arouse us daily who believe in the Lord to always be careful as to how we conduct ourselves in our daily affairs and what words we say out of our mouths. Sincerely--Norman ![]() |
Date: 6/12/2000 2:08:00 AM
From Authorid: 9295
I don't think, and I mean no offense with this, that the Lord placed us on this earth simply to follow and worship him, as some of your posts tend to imply. I don't feel that the lord tells in anyway what we should or should not do. That is what free will is all about. We make our own choices, we decide our own fate. I think it is rare indeed for God to take a hand in anyway in our lives, either to help or hinder. Again, I mean no offense, just a belief I have always held. ![]() |
Date: 6/12/2000 3:59:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Author 8663 do me a favor? Will you quit tripping? Your apology has long been accepted and I have forgotten all about it. I don't hold grudges ok? Quit tripping. Life is too short for this. I am through the grace of the good Lord trying to win souls for Christ so let us be about our business of winning souls for Christ. You need to bear in mind that what we type on these boards regarding the word of the Lord is being read by all. In other words Author 8663 us believers are battling against Satan and his minions daily so let us move on and be more about the Lord's business. Jesus is coming soon and there simply is no place for bickering and hostilities towards each other. I never was angry at you in the beginning I simply said what I had to say and I was done with it. Chill out and calm down ok? Peace--Norman ![]() |
Date: 6/12/2000 5:41:00 AM
From Authorid: 582
I agree with 9295 of course you already know that don't you Norman...smiles. If anyone is interested in my version of the Gift that Adam and Eve bestowed upon us, read my posting. It's quite enlightening and funny thing, I'm here spreading the word of God, but not by any means the same as Norman here is. I'm more of a "new age" spokeman...come read for yourself. ![]() |
Date: 6/14/2000 4:35:00 PM
Norman, YOU ARE ONE SERIOUSLY TWISTED PERSON WHO NEEDS HELP! (preferebly psychiatric help) |
Date: 6/14/2000 4:38:00 PM
(contd) I believe in God, but do you honestly expect people to take YOU seriously !? |
Date: 6/14/2000 6:18:00 PM To the person who commented:"Norman, YOU ARE ONE SERIOUSLY TWISTED PERSON WHO NEEDS HELP! (preferebly psychiatric help)(contd) I believe in God, but do you honestly expect people to take YOU seriously !?" It's interesting you would make such a statement and it doesn't surprise me in the least. If you believe in God as you claim then you too would bear witness to His testimony. Why are you worried if people will take me seriously or not? Are you ashamed of the word of God? The apostles, prophets, and many persons who bore witness for the word of God and His precious truths were perscecuted, scoffed at, imprisoned, tortured, murdered, and banished. The Lord Himself was nailed to a cross and humiliated so what makes you think if I worry if people take me seriously or not? I am no exception to the rule. I thank you for your comment for that simply encourages me to run ever closer to the Lord and learn more of His precious truths. I pray that when all is said and done you along with many others who believe in Christ and are saved and found written in the Book Of Life will enter New Jerusalem and forever be with the Lord. Do you think if the Lord were to come right now and you say "Norman, YOU ARE ONE SERIOUSLY TWISTED PERSON WHO NEEDS HELP! Would you think I am crazy then? Do you think you would be ready if Jesus came right now? Before you respond with another comment think about it carefully. To think if our Lord were to come right now you along with many others will quickly see just how serious it is for this involves eternal life for all of mankind so just how serious should I be? Sincerely--Norman |
Date: 6/14/2000 9:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 5484
Date: 6/16/2000 4:05:00 PM
Norman, I bear no grudge to you and your beliefs, but you kept saying in general context, "IF the Lord came." Now, I'd like to state first of all that I am not a disbeliever in the Lord. I also come from a family who are firm believers in Christianity and the church. Throughout my childhood, I was brought up in a situation where my grandparents would continually try to get me to attend church. They would make judgements on the kind of lifestyle I was leading, basically saying that it was wrong in the eyes of the Lord (I am a professional boxer). Needless to say, this would upset me deeply and there have been a lot of arguments over it. After hearing what you have said, I would love to agree with you, but I just do not see these things happening. After having been in contact with many firm believers who devote their lives to Christianity, I haven't once heard anything to make me sit up and take notice. It is, after all, the individual's choice to believe what he/she wants to believe and it is my opinion that, had I not had the word of God relentlessly imposed upon me throughout my early years, I would also be a firm believer right now. What I am saying is, maybe we would all be better off without people continually preaching to us what they believe in. That way, we would be left alone to decide what WE want to believe in, and not what others want us to believe. Sincerely, Dean |
Date: 6/16/2000 6:31:00 PM God is awfully desperate if he is depending on you to win souls for Him. Keep driving them away, Norman, keep driving them away. You'll get your reward. |
Date: 6/16/2000 8:16:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Dean, I understand your argument and I do understand what you went through when you was growing up as a child. I can understand why you are apprehensive and turned off. I went through a similar experience growing up but when I got on my own and saw what life was really all about coupled with the experiences and encounters I've had I took a second look at what people were trying to tell me although some proclaimed to be Christians but weren't. One can tell whose for real and who isn't. There is a reason for me saying in general context "If the Lord came." If the Lord were to come right now would you be ready? Dean you seem to be a reasonable man so I'll put it this way have you ever been in a tornado or a severe thunderstorm or electrical storm? How does severe weather make you feel? Think about it for a second. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? If you have I'm sure you know how frightening it is. My point is even with severe weather or a natural disaster your life can go just like that. Try to imagine if you will the coming of the Lord? The creator of all worlds who is going to visit this Earth and cut it short for righteousness sake. Do you think His visitation is going to be a pleasant one? I don't see what the crime is in you being a professional boxer. Evander Holyfield and George Foreman are professional boxers and they are Christians. You are an athlete and you are trying to make a living the best way you can. It's not like you are out here committing crimes against society at large. Dean you being a professional boxer has nothing to do with you working out your salvation through Jesus Christ. Only you and you alone can work out your own salvation through the Lord. I'm not trying to force my beliefs upon anyone but I am bearing witness for the testimony of Christ and I am doing what He would have me to do and I make no apologies for that. Dean it appears you have a desire for the Lord and His precious truths so don't be discouraged by what others say and do. All of us who come to the Lord in earnest and ask Him to come into our lives are sinners saved by grace. How I regret for not asking the Lord to come into my life a lot sooner. There is a difference Dean believe me. The Lord has been good to me in many more ways than I'll ever know and if you read some of my other stories you will see what I am talking about. I am and always will be forever grateful that the Lord has given me ample opportunity to be saved and have a personal relationship and grow with Him daily. He has saved my life on several occassions and if you care to read one of my stories entitled "God's Intervention-A True Account Of My Life Being Saved" you will see a striking example of the Lord's power and everlasting grace. I knew then it was the Lord's intervention and I simply can't ignore that. Dean I pray you will ask Jesus to come into your life so you can see for yourself that the Lord is good. Dean taste and see for yourself that the Lord is good. Peace and take care--Norman ![]() |
Date: 6/16/2000 8:54:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
To the person who commented:"God is awfully desperate if he is depending on you to win souls for Him. Keep driving them away, Norman, keep driving them away. You'll get your reward." I wouldn't blaspheme the Lord if I were you. You are treading on things of a divine nature and believe me you are treading on very, very, very dangerous ground. Make no mistake about it "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galations 6![]() ![]() |
Date: 6/23/2000 9:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 7961
Keep up the good work Norman, you are a doing a fine job, and fighting a good battle! The rest of the christian's should back you. I have always tryed to not anger anyone with words in the hopes of talking to them after prayer and thought which for me has always worked well, thats why I am called Silent Friend, but I also admire christians who have the ability to speak straight up, so keep it up! May God bless and keep you! ![]() |
Date: 9/29/2000 12:11:00 AM
Norman: When you are being ragged on means your being blessed keep spreading the good word of the lord. I found this site but I don't believe it was by accident, only three days ago. I told my husband that I believe that I have found my ministry. I see that you and others out there share my beliefs and that it doesn't matter if these non believers or even the believers that don't believe in the full gospel of jesus christ get mad at you or not, the seed in being planted and another will come along and water it. Praise God for you and keep on keeping on in Jesus Name!!!! Deb |
Date: 9/29/2000 7:49:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 9544
Deb it is comforting to know you understand what I am trying to say. I don't believe I came across this site by accident and I have prayed before I post stories and the Lord impresses upon my mind to do it and one of the things I've learned is to never question Him no matter what. As far as I am concerned what have I to do with these great people of the Earth? The Lord is no respector of persons and no matter what I or anyone else thinks He will have the victory because He is the Lord and His words shall never pass away. ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2002 2:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 16376
I agree with chrissy ![]() ![]() |
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