you weren't there for me when i was little, now that i am older your still not here, you dont know wat it feels like to not have a dad, you dont know wat it feels like to not be able to talk to you, like other kids do with there dads, you always drank when i was little, I didn't look at you as being a dad, I remember looking at you and being around you actually scared me, I was scared b/c i never knew wat you would do , or wat harsh words would come out of your mouth next, to be honest i hated you for the horrible things you did , and said to me. Now i am not so little anymore, and still i have so much anger towards you, i am so angry sometimes it scares me, i just think of how much i want you to suffer...i want to cause you just as much pain aas you have caused me, Well your married now, another baby on the way...this makes me angry cause you want want to quit drinking, and smoking cigarettes, you wanna be a good dad...i juat have a few questions .. why couldn't you have done those things for me???...why didn't you want me????...why couldn't you have loved me????
by:white lightning ummmm its kinda sad i guess...its about my dad...whose a peice of...i cant say :) i hoped you liked doesn't really rhyme or anything, its just alot of feelings.
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