"Mwahahahahaha!" said Voldemort. "I am gonna screw ya up on your exams!"
"Whatevr," said Harry.
"Harry, u forgot the ‘E’ in whatever!" Voldemort exclaimed
"U forgot the period" sed Hearry
"Oh yah?" exclamed Voldemorte "U fogot yo comma and yo mispeled yor name"
"U did the same" Herry sed:
"Rong punkyooashon/" ______ said "ohno i fogot 2 spel mi own name"
"U didn’t capotolize yo ‘I’"
"U said U that’s a shortcut/" Voldimort sed
"sew{" axed Hearry,
"Hay that’s a homofone"
"Helf we cant spel anyfing)" showted herry;
"ono" screemed Voldamort "I keep fogetting how 2 spel my own name}"
"Lemmee get mi wond" Voldamort puld owt his wond and pointed it @ herry
"aaaaaah" herry screemed He got owt his wond
"Spel me write cause I cant write" said Voldy>
"Can I spel>" asked Hearry.
"Rong punkuashon!" Volduh-mort said. "oops I put "duh" in my owne name!"
"Haha," Hearry sed. "Hey the spels werking I’m puttiing in the write punkuashon!"
"The spel failed," said Voldamort, "I still cant spel!"
"Mee neether," Hearry sed. "Lt mee try mi spel!" He pointed his wond @ himself and Voldie and sed, "Lalalala me wanna spell."
"I can spel!" Volduh-mort said. "I can spel!"
"O no, rong spel" Hairy sed. "I still cant spel my owne name or yors and that aint no yoke"
"Oola hoolah helf i cant spell!" showted Voldemort. "Yay! I can spll my own name!"
"Hay we need a spelling teecher owt hear," said Hairy. "I stil cant spel my own name or yores"
"Okay," sed Voldemort. "Lets get Madam Pomfrey did I spel her name write?"
"Yeah" sed Hairy. Then Voldemort and Hairy went to get Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey came out with her wand and the healing chocalate.
"Oh, so you’re having some problems with your spelling an grammar," said Madame Pomfrey.
"Ya" sed Volduh-mort "ono the spels worn of allredy"
"Nooo the agony the teror the horor" sed Hairy "I cant spel mi name write or my frend Voldies"
"Okay now, this is your diagnoses: You have I-can’t-spellitis!" Hairy and Volduh-mort gasped in horor @ wot she sed 2 them;
"Wot will we do" Hairy ecksclamed
"Well," said Madame Pomfrey, "you need the I-can-spell charm made up by Albus Dumbledore!" She got her book and said, "243333242as;lfj;kfjslfjsl453;ljowiurowieutw!"
"Thank you Madame Pomfrey! I can spell!" said Harry. "Can you spell, Voldemort?"
"Yeah!" said Voldemort. "We can spell! Thank you Madame Pomfrey, you’re so nice and now we can do the proper grammar and spell right!"
"You’re very welcome," Madame Pomfrey said. "Bye!" She apparrated back to Hogwarts School. Then she came back. "Harry, you really shouldn’t fight Voldemort."
"I’m having so much fun!" he said. "He’s my friend!" Madame Pomfrey promptly disappeared.
"Let’s have fun now!" Voldemort said. "Let’s play football!" Harry made a football appear out of thin air and they played football and were being nice to each other and everyone else, especially our friend Voldie.
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