Does anybody here like the CCG game magic? I know I do. About 3-1/2 years ago when I was up in college, my wife(g/f at the time) moved in with me, and when we were bored, she would teach me to play this kool game. Well, as good as I got, she had an excellent deck, and I almost always lost. Well, we played so many times that we grew bored of the game, and set it aside. About 2 months ago, I was walking around in a store, and I found a starter set(it's a kit that contains enough cards for two people to get started) and since then I have become completely addicted AGAIN!!! Not only that, I am now collecting the cards as a hobby. The new Expansion Set from Magic called "Odyssey" is by far the best set. It has two new options when playing called "Flashback" and "Threshold." Flashback is when you can replay instants and sorcery cards from your graveyard, and remove them from the game. Threshold is an addition to mostly creature cards that pump it up when you have seven or more cards in your graveyard. I would have to say that these new additions are brilliant. So far in my collection I have collected, out of the Odyssey deck, almost 200 cards out of the 350 available. I also believe that I have constructed a killer deck out of the entire Magic game, some from Legends, some Odyssey, some Urza's, a little bit of everything. I call it my "Heaven-and-Hell deck." If you've played the game, you know what it is. It is a deck of black and white cards. Swamps and Plains. I use the Plains to heal and attack, and I use the Swamps to take away life from my opponent, destroy cards, and over all reek havok on their deck. What's your favorite combinations? Let me know. Also, if you're interested in possibly buying a deck off of me, or you have some deck combinations, let me know.
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