Now i'm only 13 and i have had some pretty weird stuff happen to me in the past years of my life, but this is by far one of the weirdest. I don't remember anything before the age of 8 so this is where it really gets me. it's not a dream and i know this for a fact. but wether or not it really happened is another question. I remember being put into a large tube thing by somebody or something, i belive i had resently gotten back from a camping trip with my uncle pat. we'd always go on camping trips i was told . but anyways back to the subject. so this tube it was about 8 feet tall or so. it was kind of tinted a tanish colur. i was handed to a creature who was about seven feet tall with a rather large head and i belive he had four fingers.his eyes were a bit slanted. they putme in the large tube and that's all i can remember. i i know i moved to TN when i was 9 i lived in my first house in FL at the time. i decided i'd tell all of you here because i don't tink my friends would belive me . i've been intrested in aliens, UFO's, anything of the paranormal basicly since before i can remember, and i always talk about how amazing i think it would be to be abducted and telling them tis they'd only think i'm lying, and trying to get their attention. i'm not lying , i belive this really did happen , and i need some response to this to tell me if i'm going crazy or not. sorry for any spelling mistakes of typo's i didn't bother to read it over. so mote it be, Michiru yuy
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