Wow I guess I cry a lot don't I? Well let's see what it is this time.....
Me, Shea (<~~best friend), Stacey, and Jessica all went with me and Shea's youth group to go ice skating and to a hockey game! Yeah it was cool until Stacey got all...blah...(yeah thats the most g-rated way to say it) b/c I get sick in IMAX's. So i was like yeah ok then I'll do something she wants to do (Stacey was my guest and Jessica was Shea's) So then when we had an opprtunity to go shopping she jumped on it. I really didn't want to but i was like "Yeah ok so when you come back tomorrow (I was originally gonna stay in Spokane with my daddy and we were gonna go shopping) And then that way we won't have to look aournd to much." So we went...we (me and Stacey) were cool until Stacey and Shea decided that when we got back we would go to teh arcade. OMG its only b/c this guy was flirting was flirting with Stacey and Stacey like loves him (and BTW He was flirting with ALL of the girls!) and he was gonna go. And so then we went..i sat on the floor bored as crap. I hate arcades its a waste of money! Sat there for a while....lemme point out that by this time i was feeling ALITTLE left out! But honostly i could care less...I actually got a lot done! i wrote (well i got the words and tone all figured out) a song all the way throuhg...and i have it memorized. I really am not big on the flirt with every guy and think that every guy is hot, I like Paul and I have for awhile. I'm not about to chang ethat either.
Then we sat over by the ice rink and i got to listen to Stacey and Shea somplain about how COLD IT WAS! And you knwo I tuned out a lot thoght about how bad I wanted to just leave. But then they would wonder what my problem was. So i let them flirt and do whatever they wanted to. Then Stacey and Shea said that they were going to the bath room and Jimmy and Nate were gonna go ice skate. Me and Jessica sat there for like a half hour! I'm serious! So i was like ok....well i'm guessing that if there is a problem i should go over there I needed to blow my nose anyway. (I didn't go with them so that i wouldn't look like a tag along...hate that!) As i was walking into the bathroom I looked over and saw Shea and Stacey get onto the ice. I got a tissue kicked the wall came out and looked SSOO MAD! (I'm good at looking like i'm ready to kill somebody if i'm really mad I can keep a strright face thorhg ANYTHING) She then i didn't talk to Shea until we finished ice skating and I could make this even LONGER.
But then Shea (who is supposed to be my best friend!) Jessica, and Stacey blew me off most of the hockey game. Then on the way home we drove past my grandmas old apartment (she died a few months ago I haven't seen it since then!) I cried then for a few minutes. OHHH Forgot to tell ya, my older borther came down for my little brothers b-day party and he decided to stay the weekend so I was told to just come home rather then going to my daddy's. (LoL ChilliBEan is hasseling me to HURRY UP AND FINISH! LoL) THen on the way home I cried most of the time because nobody would talk to me, and they were having fun and I just sat up there with my big red gum and cried. And they didn't even notice. It sucked.
Then I got home my brother told me that He didn't want me to hang out with preppy brats if all they were gonna do was make me cry!
Then I talked to Shea about 2 hours ago and i was just messsing around and saiod "You know you have had more fun with me than you did with Stacey!" Or something like that and she was like...I dunno me and Stacey had a lot of fun! Then she had to go. I didn't have time to start crying right there. But when we got off the phone I started to cry...really hard that i thought i was gonna barf.
And tomorrow I get to see her and Stacey and aparently I am still Rammed up Stacey's butt. Isn't that great? Wow almost 24 hours up her butt! What sucks majorly is that Stacey got what she wanted...My best friend. I really don't wanna loose ANOTHER best friend b/c of the ppl she hangs out with!
AND ChilliBean talked to one of the girls today and CUSSED HER OUT! It was the coolest thing ever! GO XENIA GO XENIA! LOL.
Well there ya go! thats the up date on my soap opera life!
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