On September 11, the day terrorists attacked, my grandmother was in Physical Therapy and was dropped and broke her leg. She was in the hospital for weeks. She would get better, then worse. Sometimes, she forgot who she was and didnt know my name. It scared me because my grandma had always been there for me. She was there for me since the day I was born. But on September 27, my grandma passed of blood loss. I was heartbroken. I barely made it to her visitation and funeral. When I said my last goodbye's, I kissed her cold lips. They were frozen. I can still remember my reaction to this. I cried for days...She was always so warm and full of love. I kept a rose and lily from her flowers that someone sent. I see them by her picture everyday, remembering her. She said that when she passed, that my family would forget her, and think of her occasionally. Not I, I think of her everday. But lately, my sister and I have been having horrid dreams of her death. The weird thing is, we have them on the same nights! Last night, I dreamt her dying on her deathbed, me trying to keep her alive. I woke up with tears running down my face...I do this a lot. No matter how much I try to think of something else, I always dream of her. Could she be there, in my dreams with me? How odd is it that my sister and I dream of her on the same nights? If anyone can help me, please do so. I need to know why I am doing this. It is scaring me. HELP! Tigerlily You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17396 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .