hehehehe , ok , congrats to you all , and i will say if u didnt win , keep trying , USM is just an amazing place with so much talent , so , here you guyz are..............(please keep speeches short ,lolz , no , really , say as much as u want and tell others to check this post as well)
3rd place goes to------->MOONGIRL 2nd place goes to------->DOLPHIN WITCH and the winner is ---------------------------->MOONPRIESTESS
3rd place goes to------>Absz 2nd place goes to------>monkey luvr and the winner is------------------------------>TELSHA
3rd place goes to------>lady luck 2nd place goes to ------>gail and the winner is ----------------------->GINGER
3rd place goes to------>agent smith 2nd place goes to------>Ryphis and the winner(winnerS in this case)----------------->HACK AND PINKY H
3rd place goes to------>moongirl 2nd place goes to------>radman and the winner is ----------------------->GINGER( 2nd one ginge , not to bad=) )
3rd place goes to------>princess jen 2nd place goes to------>lady luck and the winner is---------------------->KYSTA
BEST TAG MAKER : 3rd place goes to------>princess jen 2nd place goes to------>ginger and the winner is -------------------------------->KORN GURL
BEST USM STORIES : 3rd place goes to------>krysta 2nd place goes to------>hey larry and the winner is ----------------------------------->KRONK
BEST JOKES/RIDDLES : 3rd place goes to------>King Caspian 2nd place goes to------>WoodenNickle and the winner is------------------------>DOC HAUSS
well thats all , congrats to everyone and if u didnt win n e thing , the next grammys for 2002 will be coming soon and voting will start december 1st (my time in NZ) and of course , the main reson i could do this is because of all the wonderful people who voted , now , i didnt get that many votes so for the USM 2002 GRAMMYS i wanna see WAY more votes , so , i'm gonna name everyone who votes , give them all a HUGE CLAP (lol)
*killer n black *moongirl *princess jen *teddy bear *Havana *becky dewdrop *anabel *princess leo *star gazer 4 u *sun angel *odd smell *lady luck *juls the angel without wings *storm goddess *ooperstar *kiki *ryphis *me (miss serbia , lol) *blah *king caspian *cage *occult kid *charlie_girl *BCAR *gail *tonya 26 *dude of war *wickedhatchetgirl *gold unicorns *spit fire *green eyes *lemonademe *smooth criminal *grey eyed girl *Boofy *ice queen *monkey luvr
YAY , now , not complainin here but i had to cut like 5+ categories out coz not to many people voted , now (puts on stern voice , ,lol) when the next grammys come out YOU ALL HAVE TO VOTE
thank you ladies and gentlemen , goodnight (or day or whatever) How it changed my life:i had so much fun doing these i so cant wait 4 the next ones You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35447 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .