okay, once again i am most confused....and of course it has to do with something IMPORTANT TO ME......even though i know that it is simply foolish to ask but, anywho, here it goes:
I really REALLY feel like i instantly LOVE this guy named Johnny Gaona. i feel like i love him so much, yet i hardly know him. I play in church with him (we both play guitar and sing) he's 16...but that doesnt matter to me........do you think me and him will get together if anything? last sunday i was just so extremely thrilled because we got to hold hands (we said a prayer before we started playing)....i thanked GOD so much for that.
then there is a guy named Bobby Villarreal..... i like him.....but not as much as johnny..he was goin to ask me to be his girlfriend, but he never did.......do you see anything happening between us?
also, there are two guys that are friends that i like.....i don't know their last names though
Julian---he's a sophomore...we had a poetry meeting together adn he kissed my hand and told me that i looked pretty...but my friend has been telling me that he is gay....he tends to tell me that because he likes me.and he knows everyone that i like (he says that so i wont like them...or think that i don't have a chance with them)
Michael (julians friend) is a senior...but today i could've sworn that he was looking at me from across the courtyard then....theres my close pal...roland. he "loves" me but i dont want to get with him because he messed around with my friend..that was the time frame where he just wanted some and he even told me he wished it enver happened. so....any future of me and him....even though i would do anything to stop it (i don't want my friend's leftovers.....even though he liked me when he did that with her) Heres the one that i really need an answer to WHo should i ask to be my escort for my quinceanera/debut. will it be bobby or johnny or someone else?? i need to pick before december!!!!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .