Hi,This is a really weird dream I had I just thought I would share it,lolz!Luv,Angie *smilez*
In my dream . . .the world was made of sugar and bright flashy colors,bubblegum pink skys and heathered green waterfalls.Blue flowers and bright plum flowers.Sugar plum fairies flew with ice-frosted wings and glitter laced boots. . .In my dreams I was at peace and I felt relaxed.Then something happened.I found myself standing in the middle of the water.My hair was platinum blonde and I could see my full reflection in the water.I was wrapped in a silk sheet,with glitter laces.I remember looking up and seeing the earth,the whole earth right above me(In a small version)and then the earth cracked open and the the glass pieces fell on the water,toughing everything but me.Blood like satin spilled out of the world and mixed with the water . . .the last thing I remember is having my hands around my neck and a cut on my arm(I didnt feel it,you usually dont in dreams).And then I woke up,strange thing is I had a very small cut on my arm and one hand around my neck.
Strange.Really strange*shrugs*Sweet Dreams!!!Angie How it changed my life:Its just really wierd*snivers* You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 37774 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .