It was only 2 weeks ago that I was preparing myself to say goodbye to my Best Buddy Harold. Harold is my Raccoon friend who has graced me with his presence for the last 11 years. He was a 30 day old "Kit" when he came to me via my neighbor who found Harold and his Sister Wendy when they were abandoned by their mother in an AC vent. I have enjoyed his antics and cleaned up his "Paths of Destruction",Watched as he and my dogs have romped,rolled and played,groomed each other and marvelled at him as he would sit quietly on the couch and watch THE WHOLE MOVIE "Dr.Dolittle". Not the new one. The old one with Rex Harrison. If you've ever met a Raccoon in person you know that even an "Act of Congress" can't make them be still. Harold got Very sick about 3 weeks ago. He stopped eating,Had blood in his stool and became very lethargic. Even with Antibiotics and fluids he languished,getting worse every day. As I was about to give up I posted a prayer request for Harold and You guys stepped up to the occasion and responded with prayers for him. That night it was really bad. Harold couldn't even stand up,his body was cold and his muscles were stiff but he was still breathing very shallow,but still breathing. We were told by the wildlife center to give him some valium or a sleeping pill and sit with him while he passed. I cried my heart out as I crushed up that sleeping pill and asked God to tell me I was doing the right thing. It sat there on my kichen counter for a long time,me crying everytime I looked at it. Then I was holding Harold and he made a very pitiful little squeek and the decision was made to give him the pill. My roommate Sharri held him while I gave him the dropper of Ambien and he made a face telling me he thought it tasted NASTY. He rested but never did fall asleep. I kept checking on him and he would look up every time.Finally,exausted I went to bed. When I woke up Harold was standing up,on 2 legs,making his "BOOP" sound to let me know it was time for some groceries!! He ate all day long and hasn't stopped yet! Thanks You Guys! Thanks seem so small and meaningless but trust me it comes from the bottom of my heart and Harolds! Special Thanks to Daijah,Greeneyes,Moongirl and Zena Peace and Love, The Dragon How it changed my life:It has restored my faith in the power of prayer.Nothing else could have done it! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 8820 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .