I know some people wish to be somewhere other than here - a new continent, perhaps. But, they don't take into consideration that if they were anywhere but here, the United States of America, they would be stripped of liberty, freedom, and all the other luxuries that come along with being an American.
That's what they are - luxuries. We have the luxury to speak our minds, write what we desire, and do what we please (to a legal extent). In som e countries, you can't even question the government - if you do it's certain death.
There are differnt levels, depths if you will, to the word American. Some believe that you're American if you're born on US soil, while others believe that you have to like certain things in order to be one. In my personal opinion, you have to earn the title.
Sure, technically you're an American if you were born here, or if you have lived in the nation for 7 years. But, are you really? Does your chest fill with pride and your face break into a smile when you think of your beloved country? Do you realize that it's a privaledge to honestly call yourself by such a high title? People in other countries do - and they want to be called an American more than we can ever hope to know.
To me, an American is someone who holds their head high in definace as liberty is attacked; someone who cries for their nationly brothers as they lose their lives; and someone who smiles and feels their heart sing when they glance at Old Glory - remembering what she stands for.
Americans aren't egotistical, self-centered snobs who don't know what they have. They understand their position and reach out to those who are less fortunate. American's love their nation - and they love their liberty.
I happen to see an American in every single person who has ever lived, lives, and will live on our beloved soil.
Copyright of Raeanne Spangler November 3, 2001 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 20746 ( Click here )
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