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Ever Wonder What Satan Really Looks Like?

  Author:  9544  Category:(Angels) Created:(5/30/2000 9:45:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1971 times)

What I am about to tell you here may be a topic for debate but I am once again thankful to the good Lord for leading me to read certain books that were written by persons such as Ellen G.White and a few others who were truly blessed by God because He chose these persons in our time to bear witness to His precious truths and He sent an angel to them much in the same way an angel was sent to Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John to show them things that was, is, and will be to come. The purpose of this was so we in our time could further comprehend the word of God and the events soon to unfold upon this Earth.

Although most people won't admit it but not only have persons often asked: Does Satan really exist? Some persons have often asked what does he really look like? To give you some idea of what he once was and what he is now turn to the book of Ezekiel and read chapter 28:12-19. Satan who once was called Lucifer which means light bearer was at one time happy and holy like the rest of the angels God created. He was the most gifted and beautiful angel there was and he stood nearer to the prescence of God than the rest of the angels. All of the angels at one time enjoyed listening to his counsels and praises to the Most High. Although Lucifer was the most anointed and gifted angel also known as the covering cherub he could not go into the secret counsels with God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Lucifer began to question why he couldn't go into the secret counsels with God like Jesus could. As time went on Lucifer became envious of Christ and began to question God's government. He began inciting envy among many of the angelic hosts of heaven because of his pride and influence among the angels. Some of the angels sided with Lucifer while most remained faithful to the Creator. Those faithful angels pleaded with Lucifer to repent. God bore long with Lucifer until open rebellion took place among the heavenly courts and if God wanted to He could have very easily destroyed Lucifer and the angelic host that rebelled along with him but instead God expelled him and those angels that rebelled with him out of the heavenly courts.

Bear in mind Satan is a fallen angel who still retains much of his powers. He was not created evil but because of his pride and envy he lost much of what the Creator endowed him with. Here we go...Satan looks just like we do except he is tall and gracious dressed in kingly robes and wears a crown upon his head. It is said he is ten feet tall; his forehead is high and broad and his face and hands are wrinkled. He lets out a horrible laugh when man is caught in one of his snares or deceptions. Upon my own research I have further learned his complexion is ivory white and he has purple eyes. His voice sounds like three or four persons talking at once and his favorite colors are purple and red and at times he wears all black. He came to me in a dream once when I was in my late teens accompained by two of his minions who stood side by side with him. He said to me: "You know who I am don't you?" with a grimace. His accompanying minions looked similar in appearance but not as tall and not only did he look similar to what is described above his facial expression is like that of a madman. Picture the facial expression of a madman or someone who is insane and wears a grimace? Creepy isn't it? Now take that same grimace and facial expression of a madman then picture it in your mind a hundredfold. That is the kind of facial expression Satan wears and although his complexion is ivory white it has a dingy appearance.

That dream immediately woke me up for not only did the Lord permit me to see what he looks like I could actually feel his pure evil essence flow throughout my body and if you don't think something like that can drive you mad think again. Here is a perfect example of what can happen to you if the Lord permits it...Some of you who are up-to-date on serial killings past and present will note that the majority of the perpetrators have said they heard voices telling them to kill. Read about the Son Of Sam. The LA Slasher when questioned by the two detecives who caught him laughed at them saying,"You don't know Satan." The family who lived in the house just prior to the Lutz family whose oldest son killed all of his family members with a shotgun while they were all asleep and he later said at his trial he heard voices telling him to do it. Do you think it is mere coincidence that these persons state this? Do you think it is mere coincidence that persons who are committed to an insane asylum are really insane when many of them say they always hear voices telling them to do heinous things to themselves or someone else? These are striking examples of how Satan and his minions can torment your mind as well as your body if permitted and you are not under the watch care and protection of the Lord and His appointed angels who excel in strength. Some of you may dispute what I say here but I believe it will make for a very interesting debate.

The following is an excerpt from a book entitled "A Divine Revelation Of The Spirit Realm" written by Mary K.Baxter the same author who wrote "A Divine Revelation Of Heaven and "A Divine Revelation Of Hell." Miss Baxter tells of a woman who was delivered by the Lord from Satan himself. This woman was once into drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and every other form of sin and degradation that became part of her daily life. Her mind had slipped and eventually she was confined to a solitary cell in a hospital. This following is a testimony to Miss Baxter from this woman and this is what can happen to anyone who is not under the constant watch care and protection of the Lord...

A Testimony Of Escape-Every night, devils came to me and tormented me. Satan himself stood before me and said, "God is not real! He is only a myth. Jesus is not real." Satan stood there, and his eyes were like coals of fire. He seemed to look right through me and into my soul. Then he laughed and said in a voice like thunder, "I am the ruler of this world. Many are following me. I don't have to torment or possess them. They are already mine. But I desire to make people like you anxious to do my every bidding. Then I will be like God, having my throne and people to bow and worship me." That fiend from hell pointed an ominous finger at me and said, "I want you and your precious treasure. I have stolen treasures from others for my glory. I need your treasure also to add to my glory. I want to be more glorious and more powerful than your miserable God. He is not beautiful. Why do you serve Him? I am just as powerful as He is. Come, while there is time. Do not hate me! Serve me." "Me? Serve you?" I cried. "You who have destroyed my happiness? You who have made me a lonely creature and my soul as dry and desolate as the desert? You who have brought only sickness and woe to all who serve you? You who rule the darkness of this world and destroy all happiness and hope? You who have a lake of fire awaiting those who follow after you? "No!" I screamed. "I will not serve you most terrible evil one. Go away from me! Depart and never torment me anymore. The blood be upon you and your demons!"

A very classic Scriptural verse Satan telling this woman: "I want you and your precious treasure. I have stolen treasures from others for my glory. I need your treasure also to add to my glory. I want to be more glorious and more powerful than your miserable God" is backed up by Jesus referring to the devil as a thief..."The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10.

Satan himself plainly says..."I am the ruler of this world. Many are following me. I don't have to torment or possess them. They are already mine." Here are relevant Scriptural verses backing up what he said...

"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." Matt.4:8-9.

"He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." Matt.12:30. In other words Jesus is saying there are no in betweens. Satan and his minions don't necessarily have to torment or possess a person. If one chooses to reject Christ or not believe in Him they already belong to the devil whether one wants to believe or accept it or not.

Jesus has clearly drawn the lines in another striking example with the following verse in its simplicity..."No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Luke 16:13.

The Venom Of Satan's Rage-In a raging anger, Satan cried, "I will make you miserable, weakling. You can cry blood, but without power it is only a word. And you haven't the power now or ever. I am too big for you. Just a little longer, and I will have you completely. Not just my helpers, but I, Lucifer, the son of the morning, the most beautiful of all, will possess you. You are helpless against me. My wrath has been kindled against you. You will never be a good Christian, for I am stronger than the Most High. You will be so miserable when I get through with you that you will be glad to serve me, worship me, and adore me. I, Lucifer, son of the morning, most handsome of all the angels, have spoken." Then he vanished just as the sun was dawning. All night, the devil had spoken to me. His words stayed with me, so that I am able to write the main thoughts to you, using his own words, just as he spoke them to me that night. God must have a work for me to do that will hinder Satan's work greatly.

Deadly Beauty-Her testimony continued: "Satan is not an ugly thing with horns, a pitchfork, and a long pointed tail. He was beautiful. He had on a lovely robe. His countenance was beautiful, but his eyes were evil. They looked like the eyes of a snake. And they were fascinating like a snake's eyes. What a smooth talker he was at first! When I talked back to him, it infuriated him. His proud body was straight. His robe was crimson, and his hair was like gold. His hands were smooth like a woman's hands. Pretty sandals graced his feet. They were made of gold, and the belt around his waist was, too. The devil was a beautiful creature. But there was a feeling of evilness about him. His motions were suggestive, not like those of an angel from God. The instant I saw this big, beautiful angel, I knew it was Satan, even before he opened his mouth. He was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. The Bible says that he was once the most beautiful angel in heaven. And even though he is evil personified, he still is able to transform "himself into an angel of light" ( 2 Corinthians 11:14 NKJV). He has a cunning honey-coated tongue. He can charm with his speech. The idea of a devil with horns and the like is just a man's conception of something "devilish." pp.41-44 "A Divine Revelation Of The Spirit Realm"

Anyone who can clearly read between the testimony given above and have studied the Holy Scriptures can plainly see Satan still thinks within his twisted and insane mind that he can overthrow God and disrupt His plans inspite of the fact Jesus defeated him at the Cross and took the keys of death and hell from Satan himself. No wonder why the Scriptures plainly says in the following verses...

"Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Rev. 12:12.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." Isa.14:12-15.

More relevant Scriptural verses can be read in the book of Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 12 through 19. The Holy Scripture speaks plainly about Satan's pride and arrogance which caused his expulsion from the heavenly courts. He is a liar and the father of lies and He hates the Lord with a passion. His speech given to the woman who was harassed by him all night clearly backs up and confirms every prophecy plainly foretold in the Holy Scriptures and praise the Lord for allowing this woman in His wisdom to experience this reality of Satan and his demonic host who has come to kill, to steal, and to destroy. This woman was delivered by the Lord from Satan's terrible grip and this is a truly classic example of the Lord's redemptive power and everlasting grace from which no one can afford to be ignorant of or be without. The above given testimony is also a clear exanmple of what can happen to anyone who rejects or spurns the Lord's salvation and the veil between the seen and unseen world is swept back and the Lord permits.


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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 5/30/2000 9:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 7710    That's very interesting. But I heard that Satan is supposed to be so Terrible and hideous looking that people can't ever even imagine what he looks like..  
Date: 5/30/2000 9:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 8723    okay that's pretty creepy!!!!!and no I don't ever want to nor do I think of it...... Clair  
Date: 5/30/2000 10:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 6558    I saw Satan once in my dreams. He looked like an everyday person. Although I couldn't describe him, I remember thinking he was rather normal looking for the devil.  
Date: 5/31/2000 1:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 9295    I've always pictured Satan as looking like a very graceful, charming, and likeable man. They also say the worst evil is the kind that's endearing.  
Date: 5/31/2000 3:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 8090    I didn't know that Satan was Elizabeth Taylor!
LOL! (Just trying to add some humor to the subject!) Dumblonde
Date: 5/31/2000 6:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 4011    Okay, i am officially creped out, this stuff scares me, and I do not scare easily.  
Date: 5/31/2000 8:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 4739    Norman, this really is interesting. But, personally, I don't believe in Satan. First of all, if God is "all-powerful" than that doesn't leave room for him to battle over good and evil, because God would ALWAYS win. Second, it's just too easy to blame all the negative experiences in this world on one evil soul, who would have to be equal in power to God for it to work. It would be nice to be able to blame all the "bad" things in this world, on one entity; but I just don't buy it. To me, you HAVE to have "bad" to have "good". We are more challenged by the "bad" things that happen to us than the good! Death is NOT a punishment; just going Home! It's hard to put all my beliefs in one little paragraph, but that's kind of it in a very small nutshell! I'm not knocking anyone else's beliefs, including yours; I just choose to believe differently. Thanks for sharing! God bless!  
Date: 5/31/2000 8:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 5632    Satan is a beautiful thing. He doesn't have a form, he doesn't have matter. He just is, like God. Satan is the sin we find ourselves doing. Satan is the the things that feel so good although they are wrong. Satan is stealing, Satan is envy, greed, jealosy, etc. That's why Satan is beautiful to us. He makes sin look good even though it's bad. He doesn't have form. I understand where you are coming from, and it's great that you believe in the holy bible. I do too, but not how it's written. Things in the bible are interpretations of what man thought God meant. Everything in it is symbolic, and man has re-written and re-written the bible over and over. The devil is in us if we allow him, and God is in us if we allow Him. It's that simple. God bless.  
Date: 5/31/2000 8:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 9319    it is an interesting story, but I think Ill stay out of this debate....Crickett  
Date: 5/31/2000 9:51:00 AM    I basically agree with this author. Satan is very deceptive so in turn he is the most beautiful of God's fallen angels. It makes sense that he would be absolutly beautiful because he can deceive people.
Date: 5/31/2000 4:13:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9544    Author 4011 it is not my intention to creep you out nor scare you out of your wits. All of the messages and stories I have posted are solely designed to arouse one's senses and come to the truth of God's precious word which none can afford to be ignorant of. The stories you may have read based on my personal encounters is not make believe but actual real life events. Author 4011 take it from me the power and malice of Satan and his demonic host would truly terrify you were it not for the power and might of our Redeemer and His everlasting grace. We lock our doors to keep out evil people and to secure our belongings, some of us study martial arts for the purposes of self-defense against would-be attackers while some of us stock our homes with handguns and firearms of every sort but seldom if any do we think of the demonic forces who are constantly trying to gain access to us who in our own strength we have no defense against. If the veil were to be swept back between the seen and unseen world you would truly know what it means to be terrified and I am here to tell you I am and always will be forever grateful for God's everlasting love and amazing grace for there is nothing like the love of God in the heavens above or below. Sincerely--Norman  
Date: 6/1/2000 6:22:00 AM    I'm very impressed with your knowledge of Satan. Maybe you could help me? Where and when did God lift the curse he put on Satan in Genesis? You know, he was cursed to crawl on the ground, but then in the N.T. Satan is talking to Jesus offering him the world if Jesus would give him his soul. But I can't find where God lifted the curse, can you tell me where that is? Thanks.
Date: 6/1/2000 9:41:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9544    Author 5632 there is nothing beautiful about Satan and his minions. They delight in mishief, destruction, and ruin. He is a fallen angel with a form just like us. It is because he has succeeded in masking himself with artful skill and cunning that most people believe he doesn't exist. It is his policy to conceal himself and his manner of working and it is no wonder why so many people ask: "Does Satan really exist?" The Holy Scriptures are very clear regarding the existance of Satan and his malignant nature and hellish schemes towards mankind. If you've read my stories about my encounters with Satan which are real life events hopefully that will give you deeper insight into his power and malice towards mankind and this I can say with absolute certainty that no one can afford to be ignorant of. Sincerely--Norman  
Date: 6/4/2000 7:28:00 AM    It really stinks
Date: 6/4/2000 4:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9544    Author 9130 I tried sending you an email message but the server bounced my email back telling me your email address is not valid. Sincerely--Norman  
Date: 6/4/2000 5:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 4902    Where
and when did God lift the curse he put on Satan in Genesis? You know, he was cursed to crawl on the ground, but
then in the N.T. Satan is talking to Jesus offering him the world if Jesus would give him his soul. But I can't find
where God lifted the curse, can you tell me where that is? Thanks.
Do you think Satan just came up and talked to Eve in the form of Satan? no he did what Satan always does he processed the body of something of the creation and in this case is was a serpent. so as you say the serpent was cursed and that curse has not been lifted. but Satan although cursed to "burn forever and ever" right now, still has the freedom to deceive mankind as much as God will allow.RANGERIDER
Date: 6/4/2000 9:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 8663    Norman-It's me Grace-I was way out of line-please forgive me I am truly sorry. Grace  
Date: 6/28/2000 8:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    Wasn't Satan one of Gods most beautiful angels before he was cast into hell?  
Date: 6/29/2000 10:20:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9544    Author 9130 Satan was once the most beautiful and gifted angel in the heavenly courts before he was expelled along with the rest of the angels that rebelled with him. That is why he was known as the covering cherub because of his beauty and the gifts the Lord endowed him with. Peace--Norman  
Date: 11/11/2000 2:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    Oh Norman, I have chills.......this is a good reminder & puts into perspesct the TRUTH concerning the enemy of man......  
Date: 5/12/2001 3:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 31240    The bible tells you that santa was a beautiful angel before he try to take over the kindom of God. I don't want to know what he looks like and hope I never meet him. Lady D  
Date: 5/17/2001 7:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 21931    Thank you for sharing this piece of important post. It has cetainly open my door to see who and how Saturn actually looks like and build up sins. God Bless,  

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