Hi,um,I decided to write something so well here it is!Its for school so it kinda crazy!WARNING:Just to let you know its threw the mind of someone thats dieing and what they feel,kinda twisted.(*smiles*Angie*takes place in Dec. of 99*
Dim.Thats really all the world is.A creamy dim white color.Death. . .taste bittersweet,well maybe mot sweet but bitter.But I am the one dying your not.Pain shoots up my body,kinda like whiskey threw you veins.Is this. . .death.I wonder,everything is white and I can here screams and muttering but its fadind very quickly.Its December.December 9.I am going to die on Dec.9.I never wanted it to happen this way.I mean what about school?I have a test tomorrow.I want to celebrate christmas,I. . .The pain is overwhealming.I cant think anymore it to painful.I feel my heart flutter and I cannot breath.My breath s are short and harsh.I will die soon,I can taste in my mouth.I am covered with . . .liqiud.Water.No,blood.It taste salty and sour.Blood is all over the ground.I guess I should have thought of this.I mean I dont want to die,I did at the moment but not now.I hear a scream.crying . . .sobbing.Is that my mom?The one that never cries?I do not know and I will never know because I'm slipping and I cant get back up.The gun is still in my hand.Cold and eerie.I dont want to die.I never did but. . .nor my hand or the gun did not know that.
Its for a class I had to take!About someone who is dieing from killing themselves.Tell me if I should turn it in,thanx!Angie
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .