I've shed many tears for you I've thought long and hard about you We've been through so much I know you know what i am talking about I have always looked on the negitive sides of the situation I've thought about why this has happened Why we've grown apart Why we no longer have ahold of eachothers heart Now i have realized the good The good that has come out of this strife and how it has all changed my life You made me who i am You have made me see things totally different even if we aren't freinds I will look back look back at how happy we were and how happy you made me all the fun when we got in trouble when we faught and mad eacthother sad and when we would go to our secrete spot, and talk about our most inner thoughts we shared what we knew..what was in our minds I will look back and think..these were the good times I have realized what time i had with you was just enough i have realized i was lucky to know you ...lucky to have been your best freind yes i have lost alot..but, i have gained so much from it all I am hoping all the peole that meet you get to share the precious time i did and i hope that they will love you just as much as i did.
by: white lightning dedicated to : pink angel ...(amber)
she has made the best of me :) and i think this poem expresses alot..i think its one of my best.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .