I was never very popular in school, in fact I was a nerd! I was teased for my flat hair, skinny body, no athletic ability, and I wasnt very smart. One day I was sitting in my math class and I heard somebody call my name. I turned to see who it was. I guy I had only seen with the popular people was standing at my side. I looked at him for a few seconds. "Yeah?" I asked him. "I was wondering if maybe you had an extra pencil or pen, I could borrow?" I handed him the pencil. He gave me a smile, a smile were his whole face lit up. "Thanks, hey thats a cool picture you got there!" He said referring to the picture of my favorite band. We started talking, it was funny how much we had in common. When the bell rang he gave me that smile, he told me he whould see me later. I smiled and told him okay. As I was walking out of the room, one of the guys tripped me, making me drop everything. As I hurried to pick them up. There he was down on his knees helping me. He turned around. "Hey you guys, grow the hell up." They turned and left. He took my hand, and helped me up. A week after that we were dating, believe it or not! We dated all through out high school. He taught me how to stand up for myself. I made more friends! Our senior year, we were planning on going collage together, maybe even getting married. Every time he looked at me, I felt so happy, and loved. A week before graduation, he was in a horrible car accident. He died right away. I couldnt believe it, his life was taken away because of a careless drunk driver! The funeral came. As they lowed him in the ground. I stood up and placed a rose, and picture of us with him. His mother came up to me, and gave me a hug. She told me how much she loved him. She looked me in the eyes and asked me "What made me love him the most?" I smiled and said "It must have been the way he looked at me...."
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .