I roamed a land many a time, Where much magic lives. Where dreams can come true, And a kind word someone always has to give.
I know a young wizard with dragon eyes, In this story he plays quite an important part, For the magic he shares don't come from a book, But comes from deep within his heart.
And I know of a princess with elven beauty, Whose eyes sparkle like the stars above. With a kingdom full of plenty for all, And a heart full of love.
And here lives a dragon of old, Who is wise and knows all. But fear him not for he is kind, And he will always answer when you call.
In this land lives a goblin king, Who about him has an odd way. He can be charming, he can enchant you, But the sweetest heart he can betray.
Here I have seen fairy children play, I watch them fluttering about. I do not understand there ways, For they are quite mischievious, they scream and shout.
There is an elven child, No bigger than my hand. It is said on day she will be a princess, Owning many a land.
It is said her father, a knight, Is off fighting a war. Defending the land, defending freedom, There is a darkness lurking like never before.
There are two odd jesters, Who no one quite understands. Where they came from no one knows for sure, Maybe some far off distant land.
I know an old woman who lives alone. It is said she once could of been queen. She now holds that against many, Rarely ever beening seen.
There is also a giant orc, Oh, but please do not go his way. He will pretend to be your friend, Only to eat you for diner the next day.
I have roamed this land before, Oh so many a times. The magic that I gather from it, Will always and forever be mine.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .