My sister Karen's son,Courtney, has always been a dramatic and funny child. When he would watch TV he would always go into his room and come out dressed like someone on the show he was watching or imitating them in some way. Once he saw a sumo wrestler and came out of his bedroom naked except for a towel that he had pulled up his butt and wrapped around his waist! He was 4 when he pulled that stunt! We nearly died laughing as he stomped around the living room like the wrestler.
When Court was about 3 years old,he had a habit of waking up in the middle of the night for "Gink,Gink Bave'link",a drink,drink and baby blanket.(Go figure?) Karen had gotten a small stool and put it in front of the Bathroom sink, and a plastic cup on the back of the sink, so that when he woke up for water he could get on the stool and get his drink. This he did every night,until...
One of our best friends passed away and her husband James,who was much older, came to stay with them until he had stopped mourning.
James had False teeth so when he saw the cup in the bathroom he thought my sister had put the cup there for his teeth.
Well,need I continue? You know what happened...Court did his nightly ritual stumbled half asleep into the bathroom, with just a small nightlight on, filled his cup with water....took a sip.... and screamed...TEEEFFFFFFESSSSSSSS!! Threw open the toilet seat....Slammed the Teeth and water into the toilet.. closed the lid....and Flushed!!!!!!!
They spent the better part of that night fishing for the teeth in the toilet with a coathanger..Ha Ha Ha. They did manage to retrieve the top but not the bottom set. My sister bought him new bottom teeth and he hasn't stopped laughing about it to this day!
A special THANK YOU to Author 44697 for reminding me of that with his joke "FALSE TEETH"
Smiles and Giggles,The Dragon You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 8820 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .