Date: 10/20/2001 2:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
I don't think gender has anything to do with how well one does or doesn't drive...although typically insurance charges more for males. I've known some females who were horrible drivers same as males, and I've known excellent male drivers and excellent female drivers.....As for age, Teens statistically I believe it's from 16-22 are poor drivers, due to lack of experience.....and somewhere between 25-55 are statistically the best drivers because they have the experience...  |
Date: 10/20/2001 2:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 16061
Agrees with becky.  |
Date: 10/20/2001 2:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 26831
I think that I am a very good driver and I am 16. So other teens can be a little scary sometimes. Old people drive to slow(Sorry don't mean to hurt anyones feelings)  |
Date: 10/20/2001 2:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 27046
I don't know to tell you the truth I guess it really depends on the driver themselves. They charge more insurance for men, but with the way that drive hehe, they need to charge me more. Just get outta my way....I have a key chain that sayys It seems I am the ONLY PERSON on earth who knows HOW TO cousin bought it for me when she was 15...hehe...I am bad...  |
Date: 10/20/2001 2:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 35042
Men have better reactions, but are natural risk-takers... Women are not so good at spatial judgement, but are more reserved... Take your pick.  |
Date: 10/20/2001 3:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 22868
When it comes to good drivers gender is not the key so they say. Insurance companies across this mighty nation charge a higher rate for males between the ages of 16 to 25 because of the rate of accidents. Maybe that is due to males' quest to be always on top and willing to take silly chances. If you do not believe check out what insurance have to say........Jerry8688  |
Date: 10/20/2001 3:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 38799
I have no idea but I do know elder people drive slower and more dangerous. My grandpa drives but WATCH OUT!!! A while back someone in school told me they knew a older man who got a ticket for driving real slow and holding up traffic. ...OOOOOh poor guy. |
Date: 10/20/2001 3:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 5061
Hmmmm,good question,but plead the fifth..."i refuse to answer,on grounds it may tend to incrinate"cheers,  |
Date: 10/20/2001 3:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 16376
I don't think either one is better necessarily...  |
Date: 10/20/2001 6:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 35705
i dunno. when im driving with my mom god she steps on the gas like we're gonna die anywayz. ANd with guys, they like to speed a lil, so its weird. but honestly i feel saver driving with guys. i dunno why..  |
Date: 10/21/2001 10:59:00 AM
From Authorid: 18201
older men and younger women....this is from my experience with my grandfather drives much better than my grandmother (most of my friends wouldn't even get in a car with her), and my mom drives alot better than my dad (who thinks that 75 is a national speed limit). Young guys tend to think they're cool when they have a car and are usually wreckless (like my 20 year old brother). it also depends on whether you have kids or not...alot of times that's enough of a kick in the pants to make you a responsible driver.  |
Date: 10/21/2001 12:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 4144
gender has nothing to do with it. i (a girl!) started learning on a tractor when i was 3 years old. i had to learn to drive a stick when i was 8.(long story) i am now 37 and i can't really remember when i couldn't drive whatever i wanted. gett my license was really no big thing cause i had been doing it already for so long. my daughter didn't start learning til she was 8. i think the younger you start the better. my brother was taught at the same ages as me and we drive about the same. i just go a little slower than him.  |
Date: 10/21/2001 5:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 27046
LOL says who tsk? Who says that a man can judge the spacial distance between something mroe than I could because he has testosterone and I don't??? HUH???  |
Date: 10/21/2001 7:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 35042
AZAIRYIA you DO have testosterone in fact - just less than me (I hope!) lol - it's a fact! Why do you think *average* women can't throw balls or play sports as well as an *average* man? Ask a Dr if you don't believe me  |
Date: 10/21/2001 9:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 26452
well i dunno,when im with my brother in law its hang on 4 dear life! lol,hes a good driver,but drives pretty fast,but with my sis,its sooo slow lol i guess it depends on the person,BUT if you've noticed,its normally guys dat get in accidents  |
Date: 10/22/2001 9:35:00 AM
From Authorid: 20104
I think males are better drivers unless they are on their cell phones. Anyone on the phone drives like a moron!!!! I think young people drive much better than old people.  |