Jim Richards watched his loyal employee and friend walk out the door surely confused and hurt. He closed his door and shook his head. He sat down at his desk and put his head in his hands. There came a pounding on the door. Without looking up he shouted, "Come in!" Lucas stormed in. "What did you say to my wife?" "Nothing to concern you Lucas. It was business. It's fine." Jim kept his head in his hands.
"You can't just leave it at that. That's my wife!" Lucas shouted.
"No, Lucas." He looked up angrily. "Not here, not now. THAT," he said pointing to the door Tracie had stepped out of to leave the building, "Is your receptionist! If you cannot seperate work and home we may have to change things." Jim was in no mood to argue with anyone. He just wanted the conversation over. Lucas looked at him indignantly and slammed the door as he left. Jim shook his head again. The phone rang. Annoyed he picked it up, "Yes?"
"I wouldn't speak to me that way if I were you Mr. Richards." A woman's voice replied.
"Oh ma'am. I apologize. I thought you were..."
"It is of no consequence Mr. Richards. Dinner is starting early. You have one hour. Everything else remains the same. Do as you have been instructed." The line went silent as the woman had hung up. Jim sat with the receiver in his hands for a few moments before hanging up. He stood up and went to his filing cabinet. He unlocked the bottom drawer and pulled out the false back. He pulled out the wooden case which was also locked. He unlocked it and pulled out his gun. He replaced it all as it had been. He put the gun in his briefcase and closed it. He looked around his office. Jim Richards walked out and locked his door. He looked around his dealership and left.
On the way he stopped at the post office. He pulled up to the mail drop and slipped a letter in. He sighed and said aloud to himself, "I don't want to die."