In the beginning God created a man. He made the man just as he was. The man was awefully bored. Though the animals kept him happy, he ofted longed for something he did not know. God saw this and He talked to the man. He decided he could give the man something so he would not be so lonely. God told the man, "I see you are lonely, and I can make someone for you. This person will be called a women and she will do everything you want. She will clean, cook, wash, do laundry - basically do whatever and she will never talk back to what you tell her to do." The man replied, "Oh boy, oh boy, what should I have to do for this great, great gift from you, God?" and God replied, "All you must do is give up 3 Ribs, a Leg, an eye, an arm, a lung, and a kidney. This will make you a women who will do everything and anything you want." so the man replied, "That seems like a lot of stuff, what can I get for a rib?" You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42790 ( Click here )
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