I got the following off of a website. Also, 4000 Israeli workers in the twin towers didn't go to work that day. Well here is the post :
Americans have also suffered from Zionist terror. In fact, Israel has committed a number of acts of war against the United States.
Israel has a long record of terrorism against the United States going all the way back to 1954. In that year, the Israel government plotted to blow up American installations in Cairo and Alexandria and blame it on Egyptian nationals. By chance the plot failed and was uncovered. It was named the Lavon Affair after the man who supposedly set up the terrorism, Pinhas Lavon, the Israeli Defense Chief. He resigned in 1955 over the incident. 7
In 1967, Israel purposefully attacked with unmarked jet fighters and torpedo boats, the U.S.S. Liberty, an American Navy vessel of the Sinai Peninsula, even machine gunning the deployed life rafts of the ship. The attack killed 31 American servicemen and wounded over 170. 8 They sought to sink the ship, kill all the Americans and blame it on the Egyptians so they could have American support to conquer larger areas of the Arab world.
The attack on the Liberty was nothing short of a vicious act of war against the United States by Israel. In spite of the fact that U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk and navy chief Admiral Moorer said that the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel was deliberate, the all-powerful Zionist Lobby prevented a formal Congressional investigation. If the Lobby can even cover up horrendous Israeli crimes against America, it's no wonder they can cover up Israel's endless crimes against the Palestinians. Yet, after the Liberty attack America didn't even reduce our billions of dollars of aid, in fact the story quickly vanished from the news after a few short days.
In 1986 Israel actually caused us to wrongly go to war and militarily attack another nation. The Mossad planted a transmitter in Tripoli, Libya and then broadcast terrorist messages in Libyan code indicating Libyan responsibility for killing two Americans in the bombing of the La Belle discothèque in Germany. 9 (It was later proven that Libya had nothing to do with the bombing) By use of this fraud, Israel induced the American bombing of Libya. American bombs wrecked havoc there. One of those killed was the infant daughter of the Libyan President. It is certainly a dastardly act of war against a nation to induce it into wrongly attacking another nation. Only a truly evil enemy of America would do such a thing.
Every Palestinian and Arab is aware that Israel's half century of terror could never have occurred without the active financial, military, and diplomatic support of the United States. They know that the Jewish Lobby has control of American Mideast Policy and the Zionists can get whatever they want from Congress on issues important to them.
It was American support of Israel's brutal invasion and occupation of Lebanon in the 1980s that led directly to the bombing of the U.S.
Marine contingent, killing 300 American young men. -------------------------------------------
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