Date: 10/7/2001 2:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 35720
Hmmm.. could be, but I don't really think so.  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:11:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 42790
people thought that the world being flat was perposterous and impossible, so who knows=)  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 35720
But the world isn't flat.. it's round!  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:14:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 42790
I know, but back in the days when the western continents weren't discovered they thought the earth was flat and it being round was a crazy idea at the time.  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 35720
Yeah I know that.. I was just pointing out a mistake you made in your last comment to me.. "people thought that the world being flat was perposterous and impossible" It was supposed to say "people thought that the world being ROUND was perposterous and impossible" lol Sorry for the sarcasm.. I know what you meant.  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:18:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 42790
oops=p  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 34078
Alright! No fighting. hehehe  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 40012
If this was in fact true, how does he explain the fact that once the atmosphere of earth is exitted, the astronauts become weightless. Also, how is it that once a satellite is launced it goes into orbit around the earth and doesn't crash down? I don't have an opinion either way, just curiosity.  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 40012
oops launched  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 34078
Telsa agrees with the the push "theory". .. Put "Gravity is a push" into the ole search engine.  |
Date: 10/7/2001 2:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 5886
Well, then why are we still on the surface on the Earth? If the sun's gravity were "pushing" us away, then every night we'd be blown out to space, and every day we'd be pushed down against Earth. I'm still not convinced it's a push, although I believe Anti-Gravity is possible.  |
Date: 10/7/2001 3:08:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 42790
what happens is the megnetic push on all the planets keeps everything in orbit, youshould check that site out though, thanks=)  |
Date: 10/7/2001 3:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 30093
impossible to be a push, if it was a push how can the planets stay, with the sun being bigger then them it would most definately push them out am i right or am i right?:P  |
Date: 10/7/2001 3:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 30093
and another point, what about night time, when you're side of the earth is facing away from the sun? wouldnt you be pushed farther on out into space, because the earth must be pushing to if of course gravity is a push, and it would add to the suns force causing us to be launched out onto mars like bugs at a windshield:P  |
Date: 10/7/2001 4:54:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 42790
well if you would look at the book it explains all that stuff  |
Date: 10/7/2001 5:09:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 42790
well if you would look at the book it explains all that stuff  |
Date: 10/25/2001 8:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 11352
You're thinking about this the wrong way. If it was a pull, we would be drawn into the sun, as it's mass is bigger. If it was a push, we would then be drifting out of our solar system. Think of it as putting a bowling ball on a sheet of thin rubber. Now place a small ball bearing onto it. Now remember that gravity is non-existant in certain places. Now if this was all in zero gravity, and the bowling ball was bigger, and you gave that ball bearing a start around, the little ball would continue around the bowling ball. Simple eh?  |
Date: 10/27/2001 7:10:00 AM
From Authorid: 24721
Gravity is a force and is therefore neither a push nor a pull. The Earth is not round, it is spherical. Don't people understand basic physics anymore? |
Date: 1/14/2002 7:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 45800
gravity pushes up and atmosphere pushes down on us.  |