these guys are ok. theyre extremely heavy, with some awesome samples. they commit the biggest possible sin, though: they have no reason to exist. there are so many bands like this out there, and most are better. these folks have only one distinguishing property, that being their samples. granted, their lack of innovation may be a good thing to some. anybody that likes this kind of music can pop this in their stereo, and just bob their head right along with the guitar and drums. the best songs, and therfore the most original, are "A Violent Reaction", "Never Get Caught", "Self", and "Reach and Touch". again, do not get this cd if ur expecting anything remotely original. just get it for the accessability. i found it cheap ($8) at target, and it makes this cd a lot more attractive. if u want something REALLY cool, get Slipknot. plain and simple. -madhatter87 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42450 ( Click here )
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