first let me explain, i write in an odd fashion at times. Some of my poems are writen more like a letter than an actual poem, they are my thoughts and feelings. This is one of those ones, not quite a poem and not quite anything else. Hope you don't mind.
Dear you,
After all these years i never expected to see you again. Then one day i turned and looked and there you stood, in front of my store out in the middle of nowhere and nothing. I thought i had run far enough away from your memory. I guess i was wrong. Is it not bad enough that i live with thoughts of you and memories of our love? Do you have to find me also? How i tried to hide that day. I pulled down my hat and sunk low in the seat, all to no avail. You seen straight thru me, you seen all i had to offer. You seen all you had taken. Yes, my dear, i spoke to you that day. I said it is so nice to see you, that is not what i meant to say. What i meant to say was Thank you my dear, for showing me the power of love and the strength of pain. For without one the other could not breathe. I wanted to tell you that i am better now that i have loved you. I have learned from you. Now i know how to be soft and i know how to be hard. I know how to be warmed by the fire and i know how to be cooled by the cold winds.
So after all these years my dear, i say thank you and Good-bye.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .