I found this on a web page today and I just had to share this with ever one here I hope you will tell others
http://www.herbalhealer.com/ here is were I found the info....
WHY NO DEET? Even though the mainstream press is telling everyone to buy only mosquito repellants that contain DEET to combat the West Nile Virus carrying mosquitos, we at the Herbal Healer Academy want you to know why you shouldn't. It is our opinion ithat DEET should be classified as a biological nerve agent. Even though they say millions of people use it without dropping over dead, what are the long term effects to your nervous system? Natural products are a safer choice for you and your family.
Many of the liquids and sprays which are commonly used on children in order to repel ticks or mosquitoes contain N,Ndiethyl-mtoluamide, commonly called DEET. Adults as well as children are at risk for toxicity due to DEET's effect on the central nervous system. Up to 56% of DEET applied topically penetrates intact human skin and 17% is absorbed into the bloodstream. Reactions have included headache, disorientation, agitation, seizure, anaphylaxis, and coma. In five recent cases involving the ingestion of 50 mL of DEET in concentrations of 45%-95%, coma occurred within one hour of exposure, and in two cases death ensued.
In August 1989, epidemiologists from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDH) investigated five reports of generalized seizures temporally associated with topical use of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET). Three of the case-patients, one from New York and two from Connecticut, were reported by a pediatric neurologist who practices in both states. One case was reported initially to an entomologist in New York, and one was reported directly to the NYSDH. The cases occurred in June through August 1989.
The patients, four boys aged 3-7 years and one 29-year-old man, had few prodromal symptoms and recovered quickly. All five had unremarkable medical histories, and none had had a previous seizure or neurologic event. All had normal nonfocal neurologic examinations after their seizures, and four had normal complete laboratory examinations and normal computerized tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging examinations. Each had had topical cutaneous exposure to varying concentrations of DEET; four had had fewer than three applications. The interval between last use of DEET and onset of seizures ranged from 8 to 48 hours. One patient developed urticaria before his seizure; he was one of two patients who developed an urticarial reaction to phenytoin administered to control seizures. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 34810 ( Click here )
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