Date: 9/25/2001 9:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 39258
um wow, okay... hmmm. .. i personally think that age gap is a little huge... why are you with such an older guy? -telsha  |
Date: 9/25/2001 9:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
okie dokie, please take into consideration he's got kids here...normally I wouldn't say a age gap is a big deal BUT.....thatis a large one and your just barely legal and there are kids in the picture.....I always sorta wondered about older guys going for girls wayyyyyyyyy younger than they are...  |
Date: 9/25/2001 9:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 20956
wow, thats a pretty big age gap!! well i guess when you love someone age doesnt matter, but i cause there is such a huge gap in your ages, i'd have to sit back and ask myself what he does he actually see in someone so much younger than him? And the fact that he has children does make the situation a heck of a lot more complicated. I guess only you can decide if he really loves you. Best of luck ......  |
Date: 9/25/2001 10:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 15033
Older guys usually latch onto really young girls for two reasons. The first reason is they get an ego boost from it. The other reasons is they think they are going to train them to be whatever they want (and/or don't want) in a woman. be careful you don't get trained to be a doormat. That is often the case....Love,  |
Date: 9/25/2001 10:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 15997
um ok the age gap is quite big but thats not what i'm worried about...its the fact that there are children involved. he has 2 kids and i'm sorry to say u might be legal but ur still a kid urself. i'm 18 also and i dont think i could handle being with a guy that has 2 kids. i guess everyone is different but do u know what has gone on in this man's life?? what happened between him and the mother of those children?? why did their marriage fail?? u r very young and i would hate to see u mess up ur life...i'm not saying u will but at such a young age u have so much to look forward to. if u really want to stay with this man then please take it VERY slow. i wonder why a man 33 years of age would go for someone as young as you. if you 2 really care about eachother then i hope u can work things out, but u need to be informed about exactly who this man really is. you've only been with him for 6 months which is not a long time. ur way younger than him and maybe his motives for being with you are not quite like you make them out to be. i'm not trying to sound rude or anything i just wouldnt want you to get hurt. if he is with you and ur only 18 whats to say he wouldnt be with a girl younger than you...i really feel horrible saying that to you and putting things into ur head but u can never be too careful. relationships like this usually dont work out...but in ur case if you really love this man and u know in ur heart he's sincere then i wish u the best...but please dont let the love u feel for this guy take over. dont make this one of those love is blind situations u could end up regretting a whole lot. *Hugs* looneygirl  |
Date: 9/25/2001 11:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 38849
This is my take on it... kids DO play a part in this. BUT age really is just a number... to an extent. I've got friends whose parents are 18 years apart in age, and have been married for quite some time. My own parents have nearly 8 years difference between them. But you do have to look at somethings. He maybe looking for wife potential here, etc. Maybe somebody to be with the kids... you know. So you've got to look at that side also. Really, if there were no kids, I'd say its not big deal... kids do place an added dimension there that may or may not be anything. Hey, I love kids and if I found the right person and she had kids it wouldn't bother me. Who knows maybe I have found the right person already. I think I throughly confused myself.  |
Date: 9/26/2001 5:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 27414
I guess we can assume that he's NOT married?...jbdoe  |