Date: 9/25/2001 8:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 39258
i want to be the toothfairy -telsha  |
Date: 9/25/2001 8:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 39258
but in all seriousness, we all want to be something... i think we all have a purpose for being here....hopefully we all find ours.. -telsha  |
Date: 9/25/2001 8:52:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 30743
LOL Telsha. I'm in a depressed mood tonight, forgive me. I don't get this way often, just too many thoughts colliding and this test tomorrow, very stressful. I like the tooth fairy one. Love and Big Monkey Hugs!!!  |
Date: 9/25/2001 8:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 7152
I really did like this poem..I like the way you expressed your thoughts.  |
Date: 9/25/2001 8:53:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 30743
Thank you Blue Girl. Means a lot to me. Love and Big Monkey Hugs!!!  |
Date: 9/25/2001 8:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 39258
dont be depressed!!!! be haaaaapppy... the test... if youve studied for it, im sure youll do FINE!! and if you havnt studied...then get off the computer!! LOLOL but you should only have bad MOMENTS...not bad DAYS because every day is a gift and you don't want to waste the whole day over one bad thing... so be happy!! eat a banana and think of all of us here at USM who love you! -telsha  |
Date: 9/25/2001 8:56:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 30743
I love you too, Telsha!!! I'll be better tomorrow, lol, I just have to shake this. Thank you bunches for the Nanner. Love and Big Monkey Hugs!!!  |
Date: 9/25/2001 9:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 37584
sis great poem. you are a good sister actually your a great sister love speedy and me.  |
Date: 9/25/2001 9:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 32070
Monkey, I love this poem! GREAT BIG HUGS TO YOU! Auntie  |
Date: 9/25/2001 9:17:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 30743
Thank you Tonya Sis, and Auntie Private!!! (((((((Auntie)))))))) (((((((((Tonya)))))))) Thanks a bunch to both of you for being here tonight, I feel a bunch better now. Love and Big Monkey Hugs!!  |
Date: 9/25/2001 9:26:00 PM ( Admin )
Nothing you can say will make your name memorable, it's who you are that people remember. Be the example of someone that one would remember, be kind, loving and compassionate.  |
Date: 9/25/2001 9:51:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 30743
LOL Thanks Admin, for the comment, you have certainly brought a new perspective into it. People are remembered more for how they acted in life than any other way. It's amazing really, and before I get chatty because I'm feeling better, I'll stop, lol, simply Thank you for bringing a new perspective on it. I like that one, lol, I think I'll make it my motto. Love and Biiiiig Monkey Hugs!!!!  |
Date: 9/26/2001 1:25:00 AM
From Authorid: 17650
enjoyed it! especially how you brought everything into perspective in the closing!  |
Date: 9/26/2001 5:39:00 AM
From Authorid: 37994
You are already a good Friend, at least to the fish you are, and you will make a wonderful wife and a great mother also.-HUGS STRIPER  |
Date: 2/26/2004 6:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 51292
That is a great poem, and so true. I think most will be able to relate to this very well..Great advice admin..ill have to think about that. Thank you for sharing your poetry and i hope you will keep writing 8o)  |