i wonder why you have come here to this place of god's despair where fallen angels come to pray where dreams come to die
you stood amongst the barren trees the withered branches claw the air like gnarled witch's fingers with only the fragments of fallen leaves to prove they once bore life the sky is dark and dreary the ground brown and dusty and amongst these things you stand alive but still somewhat fitting
i was a child when i last came here when this place was full of beauty and now you have beckoned my return to a time i though i'd left behind
i found you in the shadows licking your bleeding wounds and without fear i sat beside you to listen to your tale and as you spoke a darkness crept out from your black wings and corrupted all the beauty that made this place special to me
this was the orchard in my heart that once grew apples and pears a world of sunshine and blue skies and of a child's innocent beliefs in this orchard i stored my faith wrapped in lush green grass and kissed by yellow rose petals dancing in the wind
until you came from the sky falling in sinful disgrace like a star that lost its glow
and i listened to your lamentations without shame you confessed your sins to me who worshipped your accusor but strayed to your ill-fated cause
and now you have returned to where i crucified my faith burned its withered corpse and scattered its ashes so it would not and could not come back to life again and now you have returned to where it all began
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .