( Author's Note : OK folks , I know this is going from one extreme to the other but , bare with me here , I am going through an early midlife crisis .... LOL ..... This is a new concept album I am working on . If you remember , the last one still is not finished but , it is getting there and , was very dark and , luminant dealing with God , possession , murder and the devil and judgement day . This one however has a rockabilly flare to it and , is a part to a children's album I am writing that I want to dedicate to my little rascal Steven Michael Joseph Salyers . )
My daddy won't let me in his bedroom . Because our cat had her babies today . He takes me in there to see them . I wish they were old enough to play . But now daddy says the kittens are gonna be leaving . Mommy says they will go to good homes . I feel so bad for myself and the mommy cat . 'Cause we don't know where they're gonna go . Please , please , don't give the kittens away ! Mommy and , daddy please , say they can stay . Please , please don't give the kittens away ! Oh No !!!!
My mommy says she'd like for me to keep them . But , daddy says we don't have the room . But , there's an empty cupboard in the kitchen . And , a bare spot on the floor of my room . I can't wait until I get big . When I can have as I want to . A whole bunch of kittens and some wiggley lil' lizards . Man , it's going to be so cool . Please , please , don't give the kittens away ! Mommy and , daddy please , say they can stay . Please , please don't give the kittens away ! Oh No !!!!
I've snuck 'em all into my bedroom . With their box and their mommy cat . We're gonna live here like family forever . Let's see what my parents can do about that Ha Ha ....
No , no , they can't take 'em away ! If my parents can't find 'em , they can't give them away . No , no , they can't give 'em away ! Oh No !!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 16131 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .