I'm interested in hearing how most of you came up with your screennames for USM...
For instance, my particular alias was chosen out of respect for the unknown. It was just last October, and my roomate and I decide to try a Ouija board on what else but Halloween. Ya, if that wasn't bad enough, we almost died when for some reason my roommate lost control of his vehicle on a U-turn on what usually is a busy college road that night on the way to purchase the board. Luckily, there were no oncoming cars coming at the time. Ironically enough, we went to go see the Excorcist's rerelease (the film is based on a true excorcist story) later on in the evening. I myself, had never seen the flick but have heard and even saw a segment or two on television. Of course, five minutes into the movie we see the main character Reagan downstairs playing with, suprise suprise, a Ouija board. Yikes! True story + Ouija board began to correlate over and over in my mind. I was doing research on Ouija and that is how I found this site, btw. Along with the movie, I had also gotten the vibe to pretty much stay away from the Occult. I'm a christian, and this is something that doesn't come up in my religion for good reason. Well, you know, it's Halloween and a college kid has to experience new things lol. Now, uoto that point I still didn't believe NOR could I simply discount the Board's history or crediblness. We started playing, my roomeys and a couple of friends, and it started innocently off as, "hey, are you moving the oracle (pointer or whatever it's called)? Nope, I'm not moving anything." We ended up with alot of jumble the first few go-arounds. We ended moving because we were in pretty tigh quarters to begin with. So finally to end this long spiel, I and another roomey of mine made contact with a "spirit". The pointer moved to yes. I guess from what I heard, boards work better with two people, not five or six. Anyhow, the enitity said it's name was Bob and tha this home was in Boston (here we are in Tampa, Florida go figure). We didn't want to upset "anything" so we decided not to ask anything too personal about his death, the way he died at such a young age etc. However, someone ask the boy to show us a sign that he was really there in the room with us. I was really getting scared. All of a sudden (instantenously) a cell phone on the lone girl who was with us started to ring and the ligh flashed on the phone. No one answered or seemed to be on the other end of the line. Yikes! We asked the next question, "was there anything you would like us to know?" And I swear the thing spelled out,"U should quit" or something to that extent. Needless to say, I and the rest of the roomates said our good byes, thanked him, and left the room in a scurry. I had trouble sleeping that night, and I vow as non-scary as that seems to me or you now, to never use one of those things again out of respect for the unknown.
Dave ~ aka Fearfactor
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .