They girl that resmebled Chassedy couldn't believe what had just happened. The cutest guy that she could ever meet didn't want her. Even the guy was shocked to see that this beautiful young woman was with this fool instead of him. Michael went back to his victim. A fiery look was in her eyes. She was mad because he wanted Chassedy instead of her. Chassedy looked deeply into her victims lucious brown eyes. They were full of saddness and sorrow. Not even an ounce of happiness was in them. She felt sorry for the guy, but she couldn't let him go. He knew what she and Michael were, and she was hungry. She bit into his neck when he least expected it. He moaned in pain as she started sucking his blood out of his body. Michael applauded with shock of how this ameture vampire was already becoming a pro on her second kill. Michael returned to his victim and with the look of hunger in his eyes the girl screamed in terror. Michael clasped his hand over her mouth and quickly bit her so would shut up. Her muffled screams of pain quickly got softer after seconds. Michael has sucked her blood quickly because him and Chassedy had already wasted enough time making out in front of them. Chassedy licked the dribble of blood off of Michaels chin. "Good choice baby." "Thank you Chass." The two lovers quickly evacuated the club because the sun was going to rise in two hours. Michael and Chassedy made it inside the house right as the sun was rising. They were exhausted from their meas. Back at the club the manager was throwing out the trash in the back ally where the two vampire victims were. The manager recoiled at the site of two dead attractive young adults. He thought "Who in the world could kill innocent kids for pleasure?" Michael and Chassedy went to her room and slept a restless sleep. They were having bad dreams that someone knew that they had killed those two people. Michael and Chassedy woke up with fear on their faces. They looked at eachother in fear. With that look they both agreed to go to a different town so no one could ever find who they were. Michael's butler brought in a newspaper and showed Michael the front page. Michael and Chassedy were on the front page under the headline: "LIVING OR DEAD? OR BOTH?" You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 37125 ( Click here )
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